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Reviews for The Phoenix Rises

By : volleygirl
  • From ANON - Xurtan on August 31, 2006
    That was interesting. Bringing Lily and James back was realistic without making it..cliche I suppose is a decent word. The reunion between parents and child was fairly well done - it wasn't overly sappy or badly written, and seemed ideal to what could possibly happen. Though I would expect conversations to need to happen, not to mention a certan amount of awkwardness before they can have a real relationship. It must be incredibly odd for all of them, having never really spent time together.

    Ginny and Ron remain true to their characters to me. (Then again, due to my loathing of them both I could be a bit biased..) I don't know -what- JK was thinking when she wrote Ginny in the recent book, it made her out as kind of a vindictive shrew.

    I, personally, would have killed Dumbledore differently. (I tend to enjoy gory and painful deaths, but I realize I have much different taste than some people, nor can I really see your Harry reveling in someone elses torment.) Still, the way you had it done was well suited, and fitted the personality you have shown Harry have, as well as his recent changes. However, honestly I did not expect you to kill Dumbledore so soon. It was an interesting twist, most people have him as a main 'evil' in a story if they choose for him to be a manipulative old coot.

    Well, that is all I really have to say at the moment. I'll stop before I start to divagate again. ^_^ I look forward to updates, and seeing whom you pair Harry with male-wise.
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  • From ANON - Litekreem on August 31, 2006
    I am so into this story .I love the writing.As for who I dont care as long as its not Snape,and I like Top Harry because most ppl write him as a happy bottom.Not that there is anything wrong with being a bottom I just dont see Harry as one in this instance.
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  • From ANON - bob on August 31, 2006
    love your story, i think harry should be with bill cuz that way there equals, if you pair them with anyone else its always going to be weird cuz they will be lords and their mate is below them this way they can argue and disagree all they want and still come out as being even if that makes sense i hope it does i think harry should bottom but they could swap, keep going love to read ya
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  • From ANON - Danial Walker on August 31, 2006
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  • From ANON - Xurtan on August 30, 2006
    Hm, lets see, where to start. Well, it was a nice chapter as always, well written. The 'sex' scene was fairly well written I thought, and didn't make me want to gag. (Something quite rare for me, usually I skim hetero scenes; due to the fact I enjoy this story I decided to give it a chance. I look forward to seeing how you do with the slash scenes.)

    Personally, your Harry strikes me as more of a top person. Especially as a Dark Elf. Still, you could always have him and his partner switch back and forth; it seems to be the most logical and realistic thing to do.

    I'm going to vote for Harry/Sirius or Harry/Remus personally. (Or Harry/Sirius/Remus? They being my favorite pairings. *shrug*) I know it is unlikely, but still, can't help but hope. Other than that, an OC male Vampire would be interesting, or Bill if you wanted. I just can't see Draco or Severus as a viable partner in this story, nor could I see Lucius. Tom also doesn't make much sense, nor can I see most of the male Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs, or, for that matter, the Gryffindors as potential partners.

    It would have been nice to see a bit more of their training, but I'm sure we'll find out what happened later.

    As for websites that you post this story on, you should give a chance. It is mostly a slash site, and seems easier to use (Not to mention find stories) than is. Just my opinion, figured I would offer it - I know some authors dislike
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  • From ANON - litekreem on August 27, 2006
    I like this story.This is the first time I've seen Bill as the other major character and thanks for avoiding the death that didnt happen in book 5.
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  • From ANON - Xurtan on August 26, 2006
    Hm, that was nice. I thought the transformation was realistic, and the part with Alucard was logical. The next chapter should be interesting, I think.
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  • From ANON - Xurtan on August 24, 2006
    Lovely chapter as always. I liked the information on Dark Elves and Vampires, it was interesting. Of the two, it certainly sounds like the Dark Elf fits your Harry better. The different information on the types of magic was fascinating, and I look forward to seeing the different types in use. Ron's reaction was..expected, I suppose. Frankly I've never cared for him. ^_^ There are only a few stories that I like him in, but for the most part it is just so easy to see him as a jerk. Hermione too for that matter, but it seems she is going to stick with Harry in this story. Still, Ron is better than Ginny at least. I've hated -her- since she was introduced to the series. I await the next chapter. :)
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  • From ANON - as on August 23, 2006
    Harry dark elf
    update ^_^
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  • From ANON - sbkar on August 23, 2006
    You kept me up far past my bedtime! LOL

    Now, to the critique: Need to watch the homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently) like: sight and site and cite; its (possessive) and it's (contraction of it is); and so forth.

    The huge text blocks could be broken up to increase readability; I found myself skipping lines because there were just so many.

    Also, Occlumency--not Occlemency--is the word you're looking for. The is a great site for double-checking things from canon.
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  • From ANON - Jaki on August 22, 2006
    Wow! This is a very good story, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - nina on August 22, 2006
    vampire, vampire all the way, he'll need it.
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  • From ANON - Anka on August 22, 2006
    It's a great and unique story! XD I just can't get enough of it! ^^
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  • From ANON - kaykay on August 21, 2006
    great chapter hope you update soon. >^.^< i think harry should be a vampire no wait a dalk elf no ahhhh!!! i can't change my mind maybe both vampire/darkelf. lol
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  • From ANON - Simal on August 21, 2006
    Great chapter! My vote is for Harry to become a vampire or a half vampire/half dark elf ^.^.
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