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Reviews for The Phoenix Rises

By : volleygirl
  • From ANON - starr on March 01, 2015
    so good and you stopped !!!!!!!!!!!why !!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From Mashkai30 on August 26, 2013
    Lovely story! I like it thus far and am looking forward to more. Thanks for sharing!
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  • From ANON - Jalissa on March 28, 2013
    I really really hope you update this story. It's so great I hope you continue and finish this fic.
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  • From wanderingheart on June 10, 2012
    this has been a brilliant story! i hope that you continue it!
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  • From saoden on October 31, 2007
    this is a great story! please update asap! :D
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  • From witherwings7 on October 16, 2007
    This story is amazing! I love seeing well written stories of this genre.
    Is this story on any other fan fiction site? I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
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  • From DarknessOfNight on July 15, 2007
    Welcome back! I realy missed your updates on this story. I realy like it. I hope you don't suffer anymore from writer's block. I can hardly wait to read how the story goes from here. Please keep updating, don't give this story up.
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  • From kcgx23 on July 10, 2007
    Good story
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  • From kaibastalker on July 09, 2007
    YAY! Another chapter! I read this story a while ago ^^; and I never reveiwed ^^; don't think my oppnion counts, but I love this story!!! It's intressting and fresh! I love it ^^ I hope another chapter will be added soon ^^

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  • From chicklet on July 09, 2007
    This is wonderful. I had been hoping the story wasn't abandoned. Thanks for getting back to it.
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  • From Selera on July 08, 2007
    Wow this is amazing I look forward to more.
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  • From Litta on July 08, 2007
    I am so glad you are back. I love this story. I can't wait to see how everyone reacts to the news that Peter was the secret keeper.
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  • From toads70 on June 01, 2007
    love it , please update!!
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  • From xvshadowsqueenvx on December 12, 2006
    I'm really excited to see more of this story, please update soon. I'll give you cookies and cakes.

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  • From ANON - SlyKoneko on October 24, 2006
    This story is very descriptive espically with the detailing behind both Cam and Galdor's new identities as elves and their new duties. I also like that you didn't have Cam baby Hermione. You keep a character set in ways and that helps a lot. I'm excited to see what else will be on it's way. Awesome story so far!
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