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Reviews for Underground Romance

By : Natas
  • From ANON - Shigirl on September 16, 2006
    Wonderful as usual ^^ Please update soon? ^^

    I wanna see Jareth give the Mauraders to Sev as a gift XD
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  • From ANON - miku on September 16, 2006
    Ohh, ooh, please turn them into goblins! Please do! Then they can creep up and start whinging to Jarret before they forget they were human. Well done on a nother brilliant chapter! xxx
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  • From ANON - Stormraven on September 13, 2006
    OMG....*drools* What color candles do you prefer on your shrine?

    Love the pairing! Please let Jareth keep Severus, they are just so damn hot together.
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  • From ANON - Amazon on September 13, 2006
    *happy sigh* They are so cute together. Please update soon, this has already become one of my alternative Severus paring favorites.
    Only problem- "just shack this"
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  • From ANON - Kelly on September 13, 2006
    Love it, love it, love it. Please continue.
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  • From ANON - OfBloodandTears on September 12, 2006
    Yummm...Jareth...Oh..Jareth plus Severus now that equals YUMMY!?! I can't wait for more!?!
    Unfaithfully Your's
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  • From ANON - miku on September 11, 2006
    Grr I hope the Marauders fail miserably. I can';t wait for the next chapter, well done!
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  • From ANON - Isabelle on September 11, 2006
    A quick review to tell you that your story is great! even if I don't know Labyrinth (heresy, I know), it is very easy to understand. I hope the marauders will encounter big problems, they deserve it! And I loved the interaction between Jareth and Severus. Please, let him stay in Underground! As for the italics, I'll try some in my review, to see if it works. A text suposedly in italics.
    If that worked, it was (without spaces) : < i > Text < / i >
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  • From ANON - as on September 11, 2006
    I want read more ^_^
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  • From ANON - lillian on September 08, 2006
    it's pretty good so far, very interesting and unique not many people would think to ship those two together but it like it now hurry up and post the next chap! oh and i was wondering what year severus and the maruaders are in?
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  • From ANON - Lina on September 06, 2006
    Bad, bad,bad cliffie!!! ::smacks with newspaper::
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  • From gravybaby on September 06, 2006
    Oooooooh yes I like it! More please please pretty please! My imagination is going loco and I would love to see if you share my wicked little fantasies of this pairing! ^_^
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  • From ANON - purrfus on September 06, 2006
    Interesting idea, and lots of fun so far. More please.
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  • From ANON - norringtonlover on September 06, 2006
    As if you just stopped the chapter like that! Just when it was getting interesting. The story was great and I want to read more. So update soon.
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  • From ANON - Amazon on September 05, 2006
    I'm loving this so much! I do hope Sev gets to stay with Jer. That would be happy... Maybe if the Marauders make through and Sev wants to stay he can without being a goblin? That would be awesomeness.
    Update soon!
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