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Reviews for First

By : Golden
  • From ANON - Batten on October 17, 2006
    Awww! So adorable! XD Keep up the good work! IO hope to see more chapter of this sometime ^_~
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  • From ANON - roxierose13 on October 16, 2006
    aw, it's cute :) And I know the feeling of no reviews. I think it's just people being too lazy to press the button and write something. Either that or they're afraid to say something. But really, any kind of comment is nice! We should tell them that... lol

    So yeah, your fic. I used to not like any other pairing other than H/D but I admit that Remus/Sirius is growing on me, though only the marauder era fics. I kinda like Sirius/James too, though I can't bring myself to write it, lol. Anyway, I like this fic. I was kind of hoping for a little more action, but I understand you need to set the stage and 3 chapters really isn't that much anyway, lol. I'll be looking forward to more, though I might miss it since I rarely venture into this section ;)
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  • From ANON - Shardae on October 14, 2006
    Add soon...
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  • From ElvenWitch on September 26, 2006
    Woo Hoo for the shower! Loved that part! This was a great chapter! Remus didn't think to do magic! lol Great chapter, can't wait for the next!
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 26, 2006
    Love it!!!!
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  • From ElvenWitch on September 23, 2006
    I really loved this chapter! You did a grate job with it! Can wait to read the next chapter!
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