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Reviews for Of Butterflies in a Hurricane

By : roxierose13
  • From teito13 on March 14, 2012
    aww why ron!?
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  • From ANON - EsS on May 26, 2009
    You fic was well written, but the ending was extremely anticlimactic! I found Ron's death unnecessary, and the small mention of Rose at the end was insulting to her character. You made such a big deal about her before and didn't even write a decent ending scene with her and Harry. Hermione 'moving on' seems so rushed aswell like her best friend and possibly more just died and her other best friend as a lover while someone who could have been hers is dead. Voldermort's death as i mentioned was anitclimactic, and the discovery of Snape's actual loyalty as much as you say you didn't copy anything from DH the familiarity leaves me wondering otherwise. My favourite part of your entire fic would be the fact that Draco had is own little mini adventure even though it was short and you didn't really focuss on it as much. Your fic seemed like a mini HP novel with a splash of slash instead of a completely involved HP/DM slash fanfic, even though there were sex scenes (that were pretty good but very similar to each other) they seemed to only be there because its 'supposed' to be a slash fic even though the story could have ran without it. Anyway the main annoying thing about this fic has nothing to do with the fic itself but your constant bagery for comments. Honestly people reading aren't required by law to leave a comment. Anyway this is the end of my comment.

    P.S You shouldn't Have KILLED RON!
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  • From ANON - Mrs. Ron Weasely on May 26, 2009
    What the F*ck just happened!? Why did u kill Ron?....!!!!!!DH SPOILER AHEAD!!!!!!!.......It was an unnecessary death like Colin Creevey and Hedwig!!!! Its like whats the point! Sure you want to show how the war is awful and people die and its horrible but its RON! JK didn't even have the balls to kill Ron. Okay i really like your fic and all, i love the horcrux hunt and its all very interesting but i really feel that the Ron's death was stupid and it really doesn't benefit the story at all. Plus if your going to write a fic with such a main character death you should really warn the readers before hand that it might happen. It would decrease the amount of people that read your fic but then you'd realize that main character death in a fanfic is never a good idea unless they actually died in the series.
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  • From ANON - Julia on May 24, 2009
    I really love your fic so far, this new character Rose is very interesting.
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  • From ANON - Sophia13 on February 08, 2008
    Thanks for the bruliant storry! It was great to read something what isn't based on the 7th book.I don't realy like it.
    I realy had a reat time with your story!

    Thanks again!
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  • From thrnbrooke on February 02, 2008
    I am soooo going to miss this! Fantastic story!!!
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  • From QueenB on February 02, 2008
    Ch. 33 Awww, happy endings and hot sex. What more could any m/m slash fan want? ;D
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  • From bananasforyou on February 01, 2008
    so great....sucha lovely ending!
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  • From silverdragon87 on February 01, 2008
    wow. I'm so proud that you stuck through it and continued posting, with no little amount of poking and prodding from me....

    anyway, it was a fabulous way to end it. HOT MAN SEX!! yay! you fulfilled my one wish.

    Honestly, this is what the epilogue SHOULD have been.

    i'll leave a longer review when forever fandom decides to work again.
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  • From genna on January 30, 2008
    Outstanding. I read heartily until the end. I was surprised Harry and Draco didn't have any them time in the story but for the still made it work and feel loving.

    I have one personal bias!!! Why did Ron have to die. He is my FAVORITE HP character. I think most people see him as this extraordinarily stupid or angry red haired beast. I think the Wizard's chess, the ability to see details that other people can't, and his talent for pressing through inane circumstances makes him the most practically wise of all 3 main characters. The fanfiction does not agree as far as I can read, but I still thinks he has more than a little something something.

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  • From QueenB on January 28, 2008
    Ch. 32 Wow, that was one electrifying battle. There were moments when I was genuinely confused and didn't know what was happening. I suppose that's what would happen on a real battefield. The aftermath with Blaise and Severus was a little odd and I'm not entirely sure how Draco ended up where he did. But I'm sure you'll straighten it out.
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  • From ANON - me on January 28, 2008
    Really good story so far...I don't think I've ever dont worry about this story! Its awesome
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  • From thrnbrooke on January 28, 2008
    Harry did it! I sooo need chapter 33!
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  • From bananasforyou on January 28, 2008
    oh so awesomely sweet!
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  • From QueenB on January 26, 2008
    Ch. 31 Yes, I remembered that Nagini was dead (sometimes I lose track of these things when stories get as long as this). But Harry is up against difficult odds now. Even for a boy who killed a giant basilisk before he was old enough to shave is going to find this tough going.
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