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Reviews for I Spy

By : Abremaline
  • From MisstressNicole on August 12, 2007
    Sadly enough it took me three days to read this. I've been busy not getting to read more then a paragraph before I was up and out the door again. Right off the bat I'm going to guess that him and Snape aren't on the best of terms. The whole blue pill thing and the fact that he can never be someone who'll he'll derive at least a little 'pleasure' out of. Well that and the fact that he blames most of this on Snape. You're opinion of Ginvera Weasley is low. Is she some kinda whore or maybe just a slut? Hmm? That's alright I'm not to fond of her either. I like the diary. I could use one like that, it would stop my snooping relatives. Not to mention the weird dreams that I keep having but have no explanation for. It's like I'm forgetting events in my life that I only remember when I'm sleep, but can only keep snippets of when I wake up. The book coupled with that spell would do me a lot of justice. Well now that I think of it, I guess that with the spell any book would do. Well any book with blank pages. Ooo, is the famous Potter a voyeur? And our lovely Draco a exhibitionist? I like this the more I read into it. So if Harry was there and watching, assuming that he knew it wasn't Colin why didn't he save her, perhaps because he was tired of her. On the other hand could if his shoes where there and his wand most likely he wasn't far, right? Could he have been dating Ginny,? *shudder* And if he was *shakes* dating her, why would he let another man fuck her, unless she was a whore. So many questions. So little answers. Can't wait for more.

    ~~Avid Harry/Draco Shipper -Nicole

    PS And I like sub!Draco as much as I like dom!Draco.
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  • From SlashySnitch on October 24, 2006
    I definately like where this is going! Just, please, make it a Dom!Draco. PLEESE? I hate Sub!Draco.
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