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Reviews for Redeem Me

By : Samaelthekind
  • From ANON - Lady Lynn on December 15, 2006
    That was so great; much needed lightening up even if for one chapter. Im still chuckling here. that sucks about harrys dream though. would such dreams go away when lord thingy is killed properly, i wonder. hmmmm.
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  • From ANON - Satu on December 15, 2006
    I'm soo glad that Harry did resist the temptation to go after the death eater - perhaps that shows that he really can control the Voldemort-part of him. But I'm wondering to what extent will he be able to do that, when the temptation to kill is too big to ignore?

    Aww, Draco and Harry are just so sweet. Maybe it's difficult between them but I'm sure it'll be worth all the problems. Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - maria joao on December 14, 2006
    loved it...please continue
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  • From ANON - Alison on December 14, 2006
    Wow! Just found this story a few days ago and it is VERY awesome! Update soon please! =o)
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  • From ANON - coll33n3rin on December 14, 2006
    I love this story! It's unique and by far one of the most interesting stories I've had the pleasure of reading in such a long time. The fact that you update on such a regular basis is enough to make me giddy. Thank you for sharing this story with the rest of us. You are truly talented and I am so appreciative it's almost beyond words.
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  • From ANON - YamiBakura on December 14, 2006
    Chapter Thirty Three:

    I adore you. Truly I do. You update so quickly, and the chapters are all so.... quickly updated XD (I'm being driven mad by fruit flies insisting that my computer is the latest hotspot in fruit fly gang lairs, and it's six thirty in the morning, meaning I've been not only conscious but awake for more than eighteen hours. Forgive any insanity you see here, please.)

    I'm still holding out hope that something terrible will happen to Harry right when they start making really really good progress, but I leave the decision making in your capable hands. )*makes wide, pleading eyes at you anyway*(

    Anywho, this is a review box! I should be reviewing! I loved that Harry is getting Draco a wand. Hey... Fawkes' feathers went into Voldemort's and Harry's wands, too, didn't they? Will Draco's be going into HIS wand? Wouldn't that connect them somehow? XDD Don't listen to me...except about the tragic angst part. That you can listen to.

    Okay! I'm going to bed now, which is more than you wanted to know, but it happens to be six thirty FIVE currently, as I spent the better part of five minutes reviewing, and the worse part of that same few moments batting the flies out of the sky and wishing for a life-size draco to pop out of my screen, and 'avada kedavra' them for me. Well, I'm REEAAALLLY going to leave you be now, and hope that for your sake, you at least got a laugh out of reading this, because if you didn't, I'll have to try harder next time, and believe me, if I'm this bad when I'm NOT trying, actively trying to cause madness and mayhem would be horrific to read.

    Faithfully yours~~
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  • From ANON - Lady Lynn on December 14, 2006
    Thanks for straightening out how dracos wand was snapped. the dawlish scene was utterly fantastic, but thats sure to come and bite harry in the ass in the next couple of chapters, huh? And the ending? so sweet. Im very proud of harry, turning down the opportunity to go after the guy and im sure it worked out very well seeing as how the dawlish scene came right after and there would probably have been hell to pay from the wizarding world. Hmmm, this is turning into the longest review ive ever written, but its just because you're so damned fantastic.
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  • From ANON - Draconayzia on December 14, 2006
    Ok, that was cute. Very, damnably, cute. ^^
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  • From ANON - Gendo on December 14, 2006
    Chapter 33: Wonderful, wonderful chapter. I was especially pleased to see the greater detail in the mental battle going on with Draco over having Harry touch him. It's so sad, yet beautiful at the same time. You're doing a great job with this. Keep it up.
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  • From ANON - glitch on December 13, 2006
    STUPID VOLDEMORT! ANNOYING EVIL BASTARD! I am so angry with that stubborn, undying @%$&%#@%$&@$! ARGH! I HATE HIM!

    But Draco and Dumbledore I love. ^_^ Oh, Dumbledore... *sigh, still depressed from the last book* Great job with him, he seemed really in-character. Especially when he said: I believe in you, and you have the same capacity to do good and protect others that you once possessed for harming them or belittling them.

    *sighs and huggles you from happiness overload* So eloquent and touching. That old sap. And Draco needed to hear something like that. LOL Especially once the talk was over and the whole best and brightest expectation hit him.

    And Fawkes! So glad to see that fluff of feathers! Ooo, what are ya gonna do with the feather? :D Draco was really good at Potions, right? Then again, he desperately needs a wand. Ah! Draco and Harry could have a matching set! That would be HOT! Think of the possibilities! XD But I draw the line at matching clothes. That'd be a bit too much. ;P

    And I'm torn up with Harry. He would be freakin awesome if he was evil, but...Draco...okay, no, no, don't make Harry evil! Please!! Too much drama between them already and they haven't even kissed yet! No matter how sexy he'd be, do not make Harry evil! Buy him a new knife, get him some exorcism sessions, and be done with it.

    Oh. And don't forget to toss him and Draco in a bed. ^_^

    Thanks for updating so fast! Perfect timing. I'm leaving for the holidays on Friday and will stuck be in the middle of nowhere (I'm serious, there's no cellphone reception or internet network out there) for 3 weeks. So if there is not another chapter up by the time I come back from my time of seclusion, I am going to kick and scream and cry like a little girl and use your shirt as tissue. ;P

    Keep up the great work! Happy Holidays! :attacks with Merry Christmas bear-glomp:
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  • From ANON - Getty on December 13, 2006
    Sam, I'm behind in my reading I see. Wonderful story development and all the time you have put into it thinking are paying off remarkably well. That Draco should be the hero, well the way you have this story written so far it mose definately works. As always eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

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  • From ANON - sweetpyre on December 13, 2006
    Your story ROCKS!! I find myself only looking for your story when I sign onto the internet. Just wanted to say keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Rhiannon Uerch Llewelyn on December 12, 2006

    So loads of people fliped over Voldie being "alive", eh?

    WICKED that Fawkes decides to give Draco a tail feather. Is that gonna be the core of his new wand? If it is then technically he'd have a wand that was a "brother" to Harry's! Could do a similar thing of linkage in some way...

    Ironic how now Draco's essencially in Harry's old shoes of the savior & just doing it for good, no other reason. The parody of it being him... saving Harry.


    Can't wait for what'll happen next!!

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  • From ANON - YamiBakura on December 12, 2006
    Yaaay, another chapter! Another hit for the addicts like me. ^______^ I'm totally hooked; not sure if I mentioned that yet, and it keeps growing with every chapter. I can't WAIT to see what happens more with Harry and Draco... You've got to update soon!
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  • From ANON - Angelkitty on December 12, 2006
    *Continuous purring* you out do yourself.... This really is one of the most amazing stories i've read on here.... Please please please continue!?

    Though i have to congratulate myself on the thought of voldermort being a part of harry possibility..... i thought about that the first time you brought up him mercilessly killing death eaters.... it sounded like something voldy would do when they wronged/deserted him..... and he would really be much too bipolar if it were anything else....

    But! as i said absolutely stunning as always ^_^
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