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Reviews for Redeem Me

By : Samaelthekind
  • From ANON - Draconayzia on December 12, 2006
    OH shit.

    yeah. That about sums it up. yeesh!
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  • From ANON - Lady Lynn on December 12, 2006
    Don't let Harry become evil, okay??? Good. Now that we've gotten that settled, another wonderful chapter. Hmmm, I was wondering if Draco was going to have a wand made with Faux's feather so you can have you a priori incantatem but then I though that if he had his wand snapped by the Ministry that he probab;y isn't allowed another one in its stead, huh? Oh well. Happy writing, I can't wait to see the nexy amazingly wonderful chapter.
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  • From ANON - Andrea on December 12, 2006
    Oh, you are just sooo evil!! ;) Do those two poor boys not have enough to deal with already? Could you not just use the old method of the Italian method - feet in concrete - and drown Voldy in the Bermuda triangle? - Anyway, still love your story. Pls update soon.
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  • From ANON - Satu on December 12, 2006
    I knew it! Right when I read the bit about the dying Death Eater seeing a pair of red eyes, or something like that. But yeah, a very interesting chapter. So, they'll have to rely on Dumbledore once again. Can they tell Harry about what's happened or will he or the Voldemort in him - if that is the case - freak out? Interesting indeed, can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Rhiannon Uerch Llewelyn on December 12, 2006
    *dead faint*

    WHAT a CLIFFIE!!!!!!!

    Now what???!!!!

    (Chewing nails down to the quick.)

    Dear Lord almighty..

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  • From ANON - Tears on December 12, 2006
    OMFG!!?? Please hurry and update, I'm freaking out here *lol*
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  • From ANON - Brittany on December 12, 2006
    Holy shitttt, I did not see that all. Dun dun dun lol that is really creepy. Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Gendo on December 11, 2006
    EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That was soooo freaking evil leaving us with a cliffhanger like that!!!!


    Such a great fic. This story has really been making my day every time you update it. I do wish some of the chapters could be a bit longer because just when I start to truly feel for the characters the chapter ends. I do like the work you're doing, and I know that I'm definitely keeping this one saved somewhere when it's really complete and re-reading it. It is such a great tale you're spinning. Please keep up the good work and update frequently. And possibly stop murdering half your audience with cliffies :P
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  • From ANON - princessmia on December 11, 2006
    This has got to be one of the best fanfictions that I have ever read. In fact it is the only one that I have ever reviewed and I spend hours a day on this website. You are an amazing author. I love your attention to detail and the way you describe things. You make the mind work harder and I enjoy it more because of this. I love the ending and I hope that you continue to write the story in your own good time. Thank you so much.
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  • From ANON - YamiBakura on December 11, 2006
    Chapter 31

    What a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE! Place to leave off!!! I was SOOO excited when I found you'd updated again, and read through it, only to find THAT waiting for me at the bottom of the page! WHEN WILL YOU UPDATE AGAIN!? *fades into a raving-fangirl-fit of nonsense and gibberish*
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  • From ANON - obf on December 11, 2006
    arghhhhhhhhhhhh! MY worst fears has come to pass; yet another cliffhanger! arghhhhhhhhhhhh! my poor, poor heart can't take this anymore. much as i enjoy this lovely story, i simply have to wait til it is completed. lord, grant me patience and sanity in this time of trial... sigh...
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  • From ANON - rafiq on December 11, 2006
    I knew it. When Harry killed Kaminski his last words were " Lord". I think Kaminski felt a part of Voldomort in Harry.
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  • From ANON - kyandoru on December 11, 2006
    please, please tell me this is just like with Quirrel and Harry is not a horcrux!
    ja ne
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  • From ANON - Lady Lynn on December 11, 2006
    WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does that mean that Voldemort is inHArry? (even though now that I think back to it I remember something from that killing scene even though I had just thought that it more meant that Harry wuold have been on the way to being a dark lord with our realizing it) ack. You made me cry in this chapter (ok, so it was only like 2 tears but it still counts) when dumbledore was apologizing to draco and then you ripped the word away for a ton of shock. *shakes head* well, if ever I have wanted to know what happened next in this story, that want paled in comparison to this moment.
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  • From ANON - glitch on December 11, 2006
    What. What? WHAT?!?!

    Voldemort's not freakin' dead?! The HELL!? NO! NO! NOOOOOO!

    Phew, got that out of my system. The last chapter's cliffhanger freaked me out! Why isn't Voldemort dead? WHY? YOU MUST TELL ME! FOR MY SANITY, PLEASE UPDATE SOON!

    And I loved Draco yet again in this chapter. *sighs dreamily* I can't wait till he and Harry reveal their feelings. I don't care how long it takes, I am going to stick with this story until it is done, finished, and buried! :hugs you: I love this story! Thank you so much for sharing and writing it!

    You're simutaneously building everyone's characters (I love Ron even if he can be such a hot-headed bastard, he's such a cute git), building up Harry's and Draco's attraction and friendship, and pulling this marvelous plot. Bravo! :flowers and trophy and confetti: You're the best!

    I hope you update soon and if you don't see a review from me a few days after you post it up, could you please please please e-mail me? I know that's asking for a lot, but your story seriously deserves attention and I'm hooked (so I will obsessively keep checking it out) and I wanna follow this story till the end.

    LOVE YOU! Hope you see you soon!
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