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Reviews for Redeem Me

By : Samaelthekind
  • From ANON - Draconayzia on December 11, 2006
    HOLY! Oh man, you're evil with the cliffhangers!

    Really looking forward to more! ^^
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  • From ANON - glitch on December 11, 2006
    This is a bloody brilliant story!

    Sorry for the British. After reading this fic nonstop, it's starting to get to my bastardized version of English (I'm American) is getting fuzzy.

    Okay, I'm going to review for a few chapters yet again:

    Charlie and Dula are wonderful. I love 'em. Especially your character Dula. God, I wish I could see a picture of him. Has anyone drawn you any fanarts of this beautiful fic? If not, BLASPHEMY! If so, could you please share with me? *puppy smile* I would be most honored and grateful!

    Second, I love Molly and Arthur. It's so weird...I usually don't give a DAMN about minor characters in any fanfic, but I just adore all of your characters! You bring so much life in's almost scary! I mean, when Molly had that little menopause attack, I was on the verge of sobbing like a hormonal teenager (which I know what I mean). And Arthur is such a doll. Love 'im to bits!

    Harry and Draco...*sigh* so freaking sweet and cute and adorable. I love how you're taking their relationship slow, even though it looks like a lot for only one week. Just seeing them together and hearing them talk about the past is so lovely.

    By the way, here's my favorite part:

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  • From ANON - HentaiZaru on December 11, 2006
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  • From ANON - glitch on December 11, 2006
    My favorite H/D scene thus far: Draco shifted about, keeping the sheets between them like some last barrier to maintain a sense of dignity, but a sheet and blanket covered arm slid across Harry
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  • From ANON - glitch on December 11, 2006
    OH MY GOD! POOR MOLLY! I love that old woman! :cries:

    I'm going to review for a series of chapters right now:

    I loved how you made George and Fred so damn cool! They're uncommon wealth, George's enchanted eye, how they finish each other's sentences--I LOVED THEM! Very cute and adorable and damn sexy.

    I love how Draco is turning out. Even though he's still haunted by Lucius's teachings, it shows that he's still recovering and finding himself. Wonderful job on keeping his flaws in the light. If you made him too perfect, it would've been off, but you wrote him beautifully.

    Harry is just kick-ass. Imagining him in his combat robes... :melts into a puddle: Yum! ^_~ And he's got a sharp tongue, which I just love. He needs anger management therapy, but I think that's wonderful--he needs something to work on, too. ^_^

    And of course, your story is well written and lovely and powerful and just plain wonderful. I love you, I'm seriously considering to leave my boyfriend for you, and I am going to worship-glomp you now. :worship glomps you:

    Great job on this! I'm gonna go off and read and drool over the rest of your chapters!
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  • From ANON - glitch on December 11, 2006
    I LOVE YOUR STORY! I love the characters, even dark!Harry. In fact, I find him rather...:starts giggling like a blushy fangirl: Anyway, yes, I love how you portray the characters. Draco...*sniffs*

    I'm just on chapter 8 and I've read nonstop since chapter 1, but I have to go to sleep and I defintely had to review you. You've done such an excellent job on this story and I'm really sorry I didn't review for each's just that your story and writing style is so damn addicting! ^_^ it's all your fault, damn it!

    I will continue reading and I promise to stop and review (I really honestly try to), but your writing style is like...pixie sticks to me. I just eat up one word after the next without realizing it!

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  • From ANON - Valenti on December 09, 2006
    this was really cute. I adore this chapter the most since its been a while since I've read a fic that had Draco and Harry playing on brooms together, and not a match. And I like how you introduce a side of Draco that give his personality a boost, and that makes a difference. I like where this is going!
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  • From Jan on December 09, 2006
    WOW! This is a wonderful story, I bet it makes Draco feel a lot better now that there is something that he can truly help with, I mane he help's by doing chores and all but this is a skill all of his own, something he learn from childhood, from his father^_^. And Harry take Draco out flying was just Brilliant. Keep up the great work. Please update SOON.
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  • From ANON - lilredevildragon on December 09, 2006
    gosh u have no idea how wonderful u are....thank you for updating so fast..PLZ CONTINUEEEEE *jumps up and down*
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  • From ANON - RD Wind on December 09, 2006
    You have a hit on your hands -- this was one of the BEST chapters I have ever had the pleasure of reading.... excellent -- again (still?) always?
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  • From ANON - liquidvamp on December 09, 2006
    I love this story. Everyone needs a redeemer and in each other they are finding they have that. It's perfect. Can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - Getty on December 09, 2006
    Sam, what great interaction between Harry and Draco, and I know Draco feels good about being able to contribute something. Harry is beginning to see him in a new light, one than other for wanking .

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  • From ANON - YamiBakura on December 09, 2006
    Chapter 30:

    Oh, I absolutely ADORE this fanfic. This is so wonderful, that I can't say enough good things about it. Pretend that I take up five minutes reading time with how wonderfully brilliant it is, and even then, I couldn't tell you just how much I love it. An update while I was reading was fantastic, too XD.

    Everything was wonderful, there were absolutely no problems, and I've just got my one little sadistic streak in me that's telling me that the single thing that could make this better, was if when Draco's a lot better, something utterly terrible happened to Harry.

    And even if it didn't, I'd still adore this fanfic for the rest of my harrypotter fandom days. (IE, forever and ever, of course, especially with people like you writing for it.)

    Okay... I need to sleep, having stayed up most of the night to read it, but I'll be back as soon as another chapter appears at the front page.
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  • From ANON - never_tempt on December 09, 2006
    I know I should have reviewed before now, I apologize. This is a wonderful story. I have to tell you that I look for updates everyday now. It's almost a bedtime story for me. Keep up the great work. I have rec'd it to another reader, we make sure the other knows about updates. We look forward to more.
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  • From ANON - Lady Lynn on December 09, 2006
    Yay! I bet that it makes Draco feel a lot better that there's something that he can truely help with that is a skill all of his own. And the flying thing was juist fantastic. Samayel, you are a god among writers, just thought you should know.
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