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Reviews for Redeem Me

By : Samaelthekind
  • From ANON - Samayel on November 05, 2006
    I'm not actually reviewing my own fic, but I am responding to the review by 'trippin', just to clarify a few points that might be a little murky.

    It seems that, without actually getting the point of this fic, you've managed to get the point of this fic. You may have noticed, between bursts of outrage about Draco being demonized, that he is portrayed as a victim of cruel circumstances and poor choices, and that Harry, who lost a lot of loved ones in this fic, has become the butcher and criminal, and that that both situations are unacceptable.

    The irony (look this word up if you must), is that Draco, whose reputation is unfairly ruined for being Marked and participating in a plot of the Dark Lord's (had he been fully evil and a willing participant, I'd say he'd be in Azkaban), is now going to be the person responsible for reigning in Harry's violent and unethical behavior.

    You may have misinterpreted the way I characterize Draco (through Harry's eyes), but in this fic, Draco is in many ways the hero, despite no one believing in him (except Molly).

    Note: the public opinion of Draco is reasonable to expect, given that in book 6 it became clear that the Ministry treated perfectly inncoent people very harshly (Stan Shunpike went to Azkaban for a poorly worded statement...and he wasn't wearing a Dark Mark and didn't successfully assist Death Eaters to invade a school.)

    Second Note: Though it hasn't come into play yet, Harry's reputation is tarnished by his actions as well, and there will be a 'day of reckoning' for his angry impulses coming soon.

    I appreciate the review, Trip, but I feel like you really read the surface level of the story as literal and absolute, and didn't let some of the underlying themes sink in. I hope you'll give it a chance and see Draco become the one who teaches Harry right from wrong, but if well :-) Peace, Samayel
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  • From ANON - Rhiannon Uerch Llewelyn on November 05, 2006
    Oh dear god AND?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Face plastered to the computer screen, eyes burning and going crosseyed as a wail of desperation issues from parched lips...)

    WHAT A CLIFFIE!!!!!!!!!


    That's cruel...

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  • From ANON - trippin on November 05, 2006
    I wonder where fan fic authors get their fuel? From some imaginary piece of righteousness perhaps. What many hORRIBLE and ohmy god unforgivable things has Draco Malfoy ever done. He hasn't killed anyoe thOUGH he came close. It wasn't his fault snape made the unbreakable promise. Yes hE let death eaters in but if LV had your family under hold what would you hAVE done with his (Draco's) background and up bringing?

    In book six harry was an idiot and Draco and Snape actually became human and made sense. Draco hasn't even killed one person and Harry is thE death munchER running around with poofed head and free to kill card. what makes him safe from punishment?

    everyone's trippin over Draco. get over yourselves.
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  • From ANON - blah on November 02, 2006
    im really really enjoying this. please continue. It's a little shocking, to see sparks of draco's old personality in what I thought would be a broken version of draco. But it's nice to see that he's not going to be a complete invalid.
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  • From ANON - Rhiannon Uerch Llewelyn on November 02, 2006
    GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The characterisation is powerful, insightful, disturbing, manipulative, moving, humbling, bitter, sadistic...

    In short, another awesome piece!!!!!!! Keep up the stunning work!!

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  • From ANON - Getty on November 02, 2006
    I am HOOKED on this story, it's simply one of the best Harry/Draco stories I have ever read and I CANNOT WAIT so see the next chapter.

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  • From ANON - tratt on November 01, 2006
    I am loving this story!!

    I loved your "heat" series and this story is a added
    bonus! Thank you, keep up the great wotk!

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  • From ANON - rAiNwAtEr on October 31, 2006
    From the very first chapter, I fell in love with this story. It is very refreshing to read a story where Both Harry and Draco (not to mention other main characters) have such depth to them. I know I will love reading more of this story and reading about Harry's and Draco's developement. I hope you find the time to update soon!

    If you can, please send me an e-mail when you update at:
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  • From ANON - KittenCeleste on October 31, 2006
    Another nailbiting chappy!
    An interesting twist to Harry's personality, compared to the first books, and frankly, I'm loving it. 't has been a pet theory of us in the gang here that ol' Harry will lose his marbles completely and turn into something akin to Scrooge in terms of humanity (pre-spiritual events, of course. ;)) and become the next dark lord himself :p

    Anyhoo, looking forward to the next installment, this series might just make me bring out Ye Olde Pencil again and start scetching! XD

    Hugs, KC
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  • From ANON - J.S. on October 31, 2006
    Wow, great story and plot.
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  • From ANON - Rhiannon Uerch Llewelyn on October 30, 2006

    My is Harry one twisted shit. Kinda Like Anakin Skywalker there... crossing the line between human and monster... slowly slipping into a perversion of himself.

    Friggin SCAAAAAAAARY!!!!!!!

    (SO halloween appropriate...)



    Can't wait till the next chapter!!!!

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  • From ANON - Rhiannon Uerch Llewelyn on October 30, 2006

    Oh that is NASTY!!! Draco whored himself to get what he needed to live!!

    *glomps Draco*

    *knobbles him*

    (Carding hands through moon-pale rumpled hair...)

    *deep sigh*

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  • From ANON - Rhiannon Uerch Llewelyn on October 30, 2006
    *dep sigh*

    Beautifully moving along!!! Good stuff...

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  • From ANON - Rhiannon Uerch Llewelyn on October 30, 2006
    (Erm... that was ment as one posted review, I hit the button twice.)

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  • From ANON - Rhiannon Uerch Llewelyn on October 30, 2006
    (Sitting stunned. Eyes winced shut.)

    Oh dear Lord!!!


    Poor baby...

    (Sits down on edge of bed, takes out soft cloth and dips it into soothing scented water. Wrings out lightly and gently washes Draco's fevered face..)

    Poor, poor baby..

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