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Reviews for Harry Potter and The Heir of Atlantis

By : Dieselsaliva
  • From ANON - Rokkis on June 16, 2008
    Please please please! update this story!
    Love SGAHP xovers, but there are soooo few good ones and even fewer yaoi's! So it fall upon you! *points finger* to keep writing and satisfy all our fanfiction fantasies!
    Please send me an email when you've got it? Pretty pretty please!!
    At rokkis(underscore)85 @
    *using awesome mental powers of persuasion to felicitate your expedient updateing process!*

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  • From ShinigamiClara on December 31, 2007
    WAAAHHHHH SGA and HP crossover :D haven't seen those in a while ^^ PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON! i'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter ^^ woot for Ronon and Harry hehehe i wonder how harry's going to get out of this one o_O explaining how he got to Atlantis that is... although i'd probably say he has the most active ATA gene there O_O or maybe even partially ancient? oooo update soon!
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  • From Toddy on December 25, 2007
    Nice Start, more please.
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  • From ShinigamiClara on April 11, 2007
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDTE SOON~!!!! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENES!! I love this fic :D and ronon isn't bad looking (i'm not much into him when i first saw the posters for SGA but...he's not bad looking on the close ups :P) anyways! looking forward to the next chapter^^ update soon!! i wonder what harry'll tell them when he finally wakes up?
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  • From ShinigamiClara on March 09, 2007
    oooooooooooooooooo good start!! please update soon! i'm looking forward to the next chapter^^ can you send an e-mail to me when you update? (you don't have to ofcourse :P i just don't want to miss anything ^^)
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  • From ANON - Draconayzia on December 07, 2006
    Very, very interesting. Looking forward to more chapters!
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  • From ANON - C on November 29, 2006
    It's nice to see this story again. As a lover of good crossovers, and this one looks promising, I was sad to see it lost att Twisting the Hellmouth. looking foorward to more chapters.
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  • From ANON - BlackAnimeQueen on November 25, 2006
    I can't wait to see what will happen next. Ummm, do you care about grammar? I hope I didn't sound mean or anything, but saw alot of mistakes in these two chapters. I love the plot so far! Are you putting Ronon and Harry together!? Please, please, please. That would be the hottest couple out there in the fanfictional world. *pout* Please.
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  • From ANON - optimouse on November 18, 2006
    Whoa...I've reviewed this before, I think, under my other penname as SHard, but I still have to say that this is amazing. WIll there please be another chapter?
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  • From ANON - liath on November 18, 2006
    I like it so far. I can't wait for the next chapter.

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  • From ANON - Zuka on November 18, 2006
    yay you updated i cant wait to read more hope to see an update soon.^_^
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  • From ANON - primal on November 18, 2006
    i think its great and i find it interesting, please keep up the good work. hope you update soon
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  • From ANON - chibifae on November 17, 2006
    OMG! u have to update this soon and often. Awesome crossover. U got me all excited i have to read more so get to the writing.
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  • From ANON - Shard on November 15, 2006
    Congratulations on the beginnings of your story, I love SGA and HP, so this is...I'm tempted to use 'cool', but that doesn't feel like the right word. Superb, though, works. Will you write more chapters?
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  • From ANON - Zuka on November 12, 2006
    oh please continue i wish to read more it sounds intresting, please up date soon.^_^
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