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Reviews for Insanity

  • From Coipje on June 26, 2008
    You all really love each other don't you, yes that was sarcasm
    and all of you please be normal maybe for once for me pretty please
    and if someone has a comment about my spelling please tell i'm not 13 if you want to know
    I'm from the netherlands if that explains it all a little
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  • From Coipje on June 26, 2008
    I think you did well but what happend to Draco ?
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  • From ANON - Poeta on December 19, 2006
    Okay first off this is the first review I have ever submitted on this sight after a year of reading aff. I would just like to comment that this fanfic was not as dark as possible but good all the same. Also that hg/dm are a likely pair and that no one could really know for sure whether a couple like them could or could not get together. Just because shakspeare introduced the romeo and juliet concept does not mean all lovers who are opposite and that come from different worlds cannot come together. Thus there is no asurity in the opinion you wrote of hg/dm not being together.
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  • From ANON - lain on December 17, 2006
    i like it so far
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  • From ANON - Catie on December 09, 2006
    Oh and to continue on my rampage of bashing the other reviewers. She does NOT have to state if there is a language barrier. What if she didn't want you to know? Quit being ridiculus, petty, and completly and utterly asinine.
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  • From ANON - Catie on December 09, 2006
    Ok firstly to the author, this story had a good idea, I just couldn't get into it. However you seem to have the potential to be an excellent author. I commend you.

    Ok moving on, to Nadine,Anon,and all of the other flamers...stop speaking or typing which ever way you want to put it. You are so petty, if MEES wanted to right a story with every single word wrong and not use one period then she has every right. She is not forcing you to read her stories, she doesn't even have to right the stories.

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  • From ANON - Michelle D on December 02, 2006
    I love your story! Really great plot for one, very original... i could almost see it happening as a movie of some sort! Yes, you may call me crazy... You are right about the whole everyone has their own opinions thing... and i have never actually reviewed anyone's fanfiction before, so congrats for being lucky number one! I just felt the connection of this story and the depths of one's soul... or mine in particular... thank you once again for this GREAT story!
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 29, 2006
    I disagree. I don't care if someone has perfect grammar, punctuation or spelling. Just that there should be some effort. If there is a language barrier, it should be stated in the beginning. It's great that people want to express themselves, but remember if you are writing and expecting a response from an audience - Be prepared! Having a sense of humour helps too.

    Please look at your writing and read it out loud. If it sounds good that way, then it is usually okay.
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  • From ANON - Spark on November 29, 2006
    Wow! That's just sooo rude from you, guys!! I have already read enough stories, which were so ubearable to read because of mistakes, but this story, i should notice is not that bad as Nadine and others claim it to be. To my mind,it is really possile to read it and understand.
    Mees, take their notes into account, but do not pay too much attention.
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 28, 2006
    since you didnt have the courtesy to even attempt to write in a cohesive clear manner i guess i wont bother to puntucate or put any effort in making my comment readable much like you have done you ask for reviews should we be as lazy as you
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  • From ANON - anon= anonymous on November 28, 2006
    this is puled directly from an artical on the Resources page

    How do you write a good Harry Potter story?
    By Beth Brownell

    11. Do I really have to have the correct spelling in my story?

    Yes, unless you want flames or your story deleted from since it is now an abuse not to use your spellchecker on your computer or pick up a dictionary to find the correct word if it is not found on your spellchecker. Usually, your beta reader will correct those spelling errors but to help her or him out, please find the proper spelling for that word.
    And if someone finds a misspelled word after you had it beta read and you double checked the story, don't get upset, go in and fix it.

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  • From ANON - Legomygrego19 on November 28, 2006
    "Insanity" Is right! I work with Mentally Challenged folk and they make more sense then this woman. The Entire story is just....Everywhere! But putting aside the numerous grammatical errors....did anyone actually read the story?! It's just Stupid.
    You could have written the word INSANITY a thousand times and that would have made more sense....LOL
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  • From ANON - crinna on November 28, 2006
    are you using a speech to text programme? Manny of the mistakes that i see are like similar to the errors that i have found while using dictation software. I this a translated fic? i have seen several words that do not mean what i think you think they mean.

    In sentences like: "my tears were shading*, that is why my view was very fluid*" ,"I condensed* my wand tightly" and "After a moment I was taken in arms."
    the words -shading, fluid, and condensed- and the Phrase "in arms"- are not used correctly.

    *shading- probably a typo intended to be sheding
    *fluid- not correct in meaning as used. connotations do not apply.
    definition of fluid: Of, relating to, or characteristic of a fluid.
    Readily reshaped; pliable.
    Smooth and flowing; graceful: the fluid motion of a cat.
    Other words that would be more appropriate: Watery, beclouded, befogged, blear, cloudy, dim,
    dull, fogy, gloomy, misty, obscure, unclear,
    indefinite, indistinct
    *condensed- incorrect usage unsure of replacement as i am unsure of intent.
    definition of condensed: Past tense of To cause (a gas or vapor) to change to a liquid.
    To remove water from (milk, for example.)
    To make more concise; abridge or shorten.
    To become more compact. To undergo condensation.
    *in arms- this phrase in vernacular english invokes the act of taking up weapons to defend ones self,
    changing the wording of this slightly would correct this issue.
    exe- After a moment I was taken into the arms of a friend.

    this is what a beta dose. he or she is a fact checker and proof reader. they do not change the story as you intended it, only try to catch things you may have missed and work with you to improve on your creation. it is like having a caddy in golf. the caddy is there to make sure you have all the tools you need and to give you tips on your back stroke thus improving your game.

    what ever you do keep on writing. It is important that you do what you love regardless of the flames.
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  • From ANON - Oh damn, spelling mistakes! on November 28, 2006

    Nadine, yours truly.
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  • From ANON - Nadine, yours trule. There's no need to cry in your pillow any longer, my love. on November 28, 2006
    'Honey-Bonny', you got a rating of four. That's all you deserved.
    An opinion is an opinion, my opinion is my opinion. Your story had -what's the word- hope. If it was polished and more effort and time were ACTUALLY put into it then it was possible for it to get a five/five. Yes, writers often do make mistakes. I've posted my own story, and darling, there's nothing more satisfying than a good LOOK-OVER! I suggest you do that next time. Countless mistakes sort of lead you away from the plot and redirect your attention on the impossible amount of wording and grammatical mistakes. If there is a next time, of course.
    Oh, and just to fix some of the words your muddled mind has obviously mixed up, my first comment was "don't leave the sentences in one big block of a paragraph, Split it down, it's easier to read." Not that all 13 year olds write long sentences. READ before you find something negative to say, darling. Don't embarrass yourself.

    Words of advice from a "budding criticizer": Lick your self sideways.
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