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Reviews for Insanity

  • From MEES on November 28, 2006
    To Nadine...once again.
    Well, first of all, my dear Nadine, you are damn right, I
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  • From ANON - crinna on November 27, 2006
    constructive criticism is meant to be constructive. some of the flames your story has acquired are very rude an not constructive at all. however their comments have some merit. Your writing needs to be proof read to catch all of the errors that are not found by spellcheck. I realise that this is not an english class and you write for your own enjoyment, but i think the story is lost in all the grammatical errors. In some parts of the fic the vocabulary and grammar is so muddled that i loose all sense of plot. even if your beta just pointed out misused words and a few of the confusing parts your story wold immensely improve. keep on writing, but more importantly keep rewriting it is the only way to continue to grow as a writer.
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  • From ANON - lang on November 26, 2006
    man, i did like it. And the wrongs in it were so minuscules i didn't even payed attention as i'm sure most of the people who read it didn't payed attention either. keep on the good work!
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  • From ANON - lemonade on November 26, 2006
    I think I get the gist of your story and I like where you are going, but some of your translation isn't very clear. Although I think this 'Nadine' person is terribly rude in the way she presented it, she has a point that a beta would help you express your story in a way that is more understandable for english speaker (which I assume are your audience?). A beta, to my understanding, will give you grammatical advice, not rewrite your story. It would still be your words and feelings- you would just get some help clearing up your ideas.

    I would very much like to see more writing from you, as you seem to have a wonderful imagination.
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  • From ANON - kara on November 25, 2006
    what does "He got so badly next to me" mean?
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  • From ANON - Nadine again.. missed me? on November 25, 2006
    Just to show you a few of your mistakes and WHY you should really get a beta. Anything between quotes ("") are your lines. Anything not are my comments.

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  • From MEES on November 24, 2006
    To Nadine
    Well, as far as your
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 23, 2006
    ooooooh you must continue....update soon
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  • From ANON - Nadine on November 23, 2006
    What the hell? What are you- 13? I don't know about the story line - but for God's sake! - don't leave the sentences in one big block of a paragraph. Split it down, it's easier to read. You need a spell check. Sorry, but you MUST get a beta if you want this story to get better reviews. Sorry for my cruelty but I'm re-reading my review and labeling it as CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.
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  • From ANON - lisa on November 23, 2006
    I am not sure what to think. It's soo sad Harry dies. and so dark. I CAN see though where Hermione might be this way because confusion and fear can make you a blubbering idiot. Intersting so I hope you cotinue.
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