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Reviews for Flirt

By : roxierose13
  • From ANON - fallangelsquill on December 21, 2006
    honey, I must say that I love your work! great pairing, one that people really do ignore too much!
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  • From ANON - Jaden Isabella Berry on December 20, 2006
    I've never read this pairing before, but have been meaning to -- just to get a taste. I liked it (and now have to go find more).

    This was well done; really sweet. ^__^
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  • From ANON - LOL on December 09, 2006
    I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you continue with these characters some more????????
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  • From ANON - katie on December 08, 2006
    I LOVE this pairing, it's one of my favorites. Good job.
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  • From ANON - daniedell on December 08, 2006
    Way too cute. That actually hit a bit closer to home than you would think ^_^ It's a cute pairing and you wrote it well.
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  • From ANON - Adela Nightmoon on December 08, 2006
    Hi! never thought i'd read a dean/seamus fic but i did, simply cause i was reading ur lj and saw it, so i read it. unfortunately i'm only a d/h shipper so i thought the best line was 'or Harry, who happened to be dating perhaps the most territorial guy in the school, Malfoy'...

    i love it how u still mention the d/h, yes, i'm obssessed. Anyway...
    well done with the minor character's, they're hard to write.

    I wrote something from parvati's point of view about d/h and it was very hard to do. so congrats.
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