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Reviews for Charity

By : johal91a
  • From itsallgood on January 15, 2007
    Awww! This story was heartwarming and adorable...and we even got a little D/H in there for spice. Very nice. ^^
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  • From ANON - Mistress Vamp on December 31, 2006
    Though I don't write them often, these two are my OTP. Thanks for writing and sharing it. It was full of fluff and luff! *grins* ::MV::
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  • From kristashadow on December 19, 2006
    That was so cute
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  • From ANON - Vittani on December 12, 2006
    Loved i, it was so sweet.
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  • From Leenah on December 11, 2006
    Ahh. I absolutely loved it. You made them so loving and caring and oh so sweet. Well done. Hope to see more like this.
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  • From ANON - Heksy on December 11, 2006
    I don't know if anyone has noticed, but at first the fundraiser was for an orphanage and in the last chapter it says it was meant for the Quidditch team.
    For the rest of the story, you did very nice.
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