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Reviews for Twisted Lust

By : nymphbot
  • From xsexxandxcandyx on March 23, 2007
    I'd like to see Hermione find whoever it was that put her in that dungeon ((as long as they're not alreadyy dead)) && then castrate them
    That would absolutely make my dayy ^-^
    Looking forward to the final chapter,
    Make it nice && long please !

    Much Love...
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  • From LoverofDarkness on March 23, 2007
    Have Draco innocent but he knew but he couldn't tell her becuase he was under a unbreakable vow. Anywy have hermione forgive draco and have her pregnant or something. Or better yet have harry know but act innocent. Hermoine goes to the head master and tells him everything. Anyway I honestly don't care as long as I find out what the truth about hermione is. Please update whenever you get the chance to. I honestly don't care when just as long as you update.


    p.s. Like I said Draco is innocent. But have one of her close friends know the real truth.
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  • From ANON - Priscilla Aldama on March 23, 2007
    I just want it to be a longer chapter I love this story its really good =D
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  • From ANON - Sara on March 18, 2007
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 14, 2007
    eeeeeek. i cant take the suspense!
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  • From LoverofDarkness on March 13, 2007
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  • From xsexxandxcandyx on March 13, 2007
    Amazingg chapter.
    I'm still prettyy stumped as to who it is.
    I know it couldn't have been Draco,
    It just doesn't make sense
    && rape is so below him,
    He could get anyone so he doesn't need to rape.
    I have an idea who it might be,
    But it's probablyy wrong,
    I mean,
    I was wrong about Percy too.
    Oh well,
    Love how youu made that last chapter so longg,
    It made me happyy.
    Update soon,
    I'm dyingg to know the full storyy !

    Much Love...
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  • From Silent Pluto on March 13, 2007
    whoa shit!!! This stuff is really, really good!
    I'll be damned if it was Draco! No friggin' way!
    And Hermoine is a total tease anyhow, I'll love the
    part where she chopped off Percy's balls!
    Loraina bobbit's trend doesn't go out of style!
    GIRL POWER! *joke* lol
    Great job though, keep up the good work.
    Update soon.
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  • From misslala on March 12, 2007
    Damn!!!! I just hope Draco didn't have anything to do with Hermione's beatings/rape. *sniffle* He's a bastard but I don't want him to be the ultimate reason she was so fucked up. :/ Ah well, I wait for a new chappie!
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  • From dragon37 on March 10, 2007
    Was the person who raped Hermione Harry? I just don't believe it could be Draco.
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  • From LoverofDarkness on March 08, 2007
    please update
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  • From LustBlood on March 07, 2007
    :( Please please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese.... write the next chapter soon!!!!!!!!! LOVE the story!!! It can't be Draco! It just can't!
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  • From xsexxandxcandyx on March 07, 2007
    That's weirdd.
    I don't reallyy think it was Draco,
    I mean, he hated her, but I don't think he'd have gone out of his way like that.
    && I reallyy can't see him as a rapist kinda cruel.
    I could be wrong.
    Please, update soon,
    I love this storyy.

    Much Love...
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  • From misslala on March 07, 2007
    My god if it is Draco, I think I will cry, LOL That would be so screwed up, but I love you for it, LOL It's sad isn't it?
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  • From aquijess on March 07, 2007
    it was draco wasn't it he paid percy and that random guy to do that to her, it had to draco because lucius is still in jail and you said it yourself he's obsessed with her, i like your story you know how to leave a girl hanging,
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