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Reviews for Twisted Lust

By : nymphbot
  • From xsexxandxcandyx on February 26, 2007
    Good little twist.
    All I can think of is that she was held at Malfoy Manor,
    Which is pretty obvious I guess.
    I'm happy her && Harry are friends again,
    But I hope she doesn't do something stupid like sleep with him.
    I mean,
    Come on,
    She has Draco.
    Please, update soon !

    Much Love...
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  • From dragon37 on February 26, 2007
    you didn't justleave us hanging like that, did you ?
    Please don't tell me that Draco knew anything about what happen to her.
    I would have to cry, if he had anything to do with her rape.

    Can't wait to read more, please hurry with an update.
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  • From on February 25, 2007
    Hmm...... I can't say that I especially like this story, but I'm not inclined to stop reading it either. It's one of those stories that you read with morbid fascination.

    I'm curious as to what the videotape is about. Could it be Hermione on the videotape? Or another girl that she knows?
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  • From Lover595 on February 25, 2007
    it means that his fathers a dick and a fucker
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  • From Etain on February 25, 2007
    *giant gasp of gaspness* oh my... even though i saw this coming it still was shocking!!!! oh dear bad tape BAD!!!!! and hermione dirty little minx she is kissing harry like that... oh dear what now..?!!
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  • From LoverofDarkness on February 25, 2007
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  • From LustBlood on February 25, 2007
    I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From the time you mentioned the dungeons, and her unease, I KNEW it was connected to her captivity and torture. OMG... more more more!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - novasenshi//Rinova on February 25, 2007
    okay, so the person has to be Draco's dad. There is no other way. Ron even said it was some old rich guy... so perhaps... that is it. Now, I don't know why he had a VHS... but maybe to hid what he did would be a good reason. It's not like Draco or his mom would know what to do with it.... but those are my thoughts.
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 25, 2007
    OMG!!! I have spents a week reading this cause i take so long to read things!! This was AMAZING!!! I love all the detail and stuff and i love the plot. I was kinda sad that Ron couldn't be there to keep her happy as well as Harry but i can imagin the shock he would be in after hearing what Percy did and Hermione probably couldn't really look at Ron with out thinking of what happened to her. I cant wait for more!! I normally don't like fics where Hermione seems so helpless but ive been finding ALOT of them that the writer makes it work out for and i really like that cause it gives me new stuff to read that isn't the same kinda plot that ive read in millions of other fics!!! Hope you up date soon cause i cant wait to read more!!!! ^__^
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  • From Etain on February 24, 2007
    i got to read two chapters this time!! imagine my pleasure at seeing two!!! i'm so happy that draco and hermione are ok again!! but naughty her for thinking like that about harry.. he is such a silly boy is he not?! i wish she wouldn't think of him like that but without these types of things where would we get such good drama?? it was lovely dear!!
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  • From Lover595 on February 24, 2007
    no.nononononononononono. NO! and last time. NO. She does not crave harry. she craves draco. Hes perffffeecctt. hahaha good story. -shiny
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  • From Lover595 on February 24, 2007
    awwwww see, thats more like it. I love the fact that draco is like this, i only wish it was like this in the real book...i mean,,,like with her being a slut and them having sex. that wouldnt be very relistic, but a realtionship, thatd be sooo squeel worthy.
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  • From Lover595 on February 24, 2007
    Okay well this chapter mad eme extremly sad, i loved draco and herm's together.
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  • From Lover595 on February 24, 2007
    And inside, in a dark place in his heart. There was a dark emotion growing.
    Something the marriage had sealed, had set forth.


    hahah omg i love this line, its like ...perfection.
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  • From LoverofDarkness on February 23, 2007
    I think that there should be a duel coming soon.
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