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Reviews for Albus Poses

By : dragon37
  • From LaBibliographe on March 09, 2007
    This was really funny! ALBUS desperately wanting to be in a, what, playboy type magazine? And Hermione and Draco are the publishers? Very original story line. It looks like there was at least one part of Albus that wasn't wrinkled, LOL. And are we seeing the "Prime of Miss Minerva McGonagall"? How naughty. 8-)

    I do hope Harry doesn't get into problems, even though it will be explained in the magazine. You know how people are, missing even the obvious.

    I followed your name link from your review of my story (for which I thank you) and I see your stories are mostly in sections I don't go through, so I would have missed this.

    Thanks for the very amusing one-shot tale.
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  • From ANON - Amberdragon on February 13, 2007
    I really liked this story. It was good.
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  • From Danine on February 02, 2007
    OMG that was just... so bad and funny at the same time. I love reading any way of getting harry and Voldemort together in the sack, and even though it wasn't really them... ah screw it, this is fun.
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