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Reviews for To Dream

By : mandy
  • From Laura5402 on March 08, 2007
    Wow!!! That was amazing!!!! Great job with images, I could picture everything in my mind. Just fantastic!
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  • From ANON - Chavela on January 10, 2007
    Oh wow. That was really nice!

    I love Fred and Hermione together. It is just such a nice combo. So different. Her personality and his, they compliment each other. You would think that his silly and fun life style would not anywhere near satisfy Hermione, but then they seem to do so well together, that he balances Hermione out.

    I liked this one. It leaves you to wonder whether or not, something can come out of this. Like maybe it did. That he did that on purpose to get closer. I like stories that leave you wondering, in a good way. LOL! Some it irritates me, but then others, like this one, ended so well, that it was nice to read!

    Awesome story hun!

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  • From ANON - desra45 on January 09, 2007
    I hope you plan on updating! Please, oh please!?! Thanks.
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