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Reviews for Power Corrupts Pleasurably

By : LdyBastet
  • From JaceDamian23 on September 26, 2007

    Severus reached out to put his hand at the back of Percy's head, pushing him closer to the hard flesh in front of him until the tip of Lucius' cock was nudging against Percy's lips. 'Suck him,' Severus whispered darkly. 'Worship him with your mouth.'

    *smirks* wow hot

    'He does have a good mouth, doesn't he?' Lucius asked, but Severus just hummed in response, not bothering with words for something so obvious. 'It most certainly isn't the first time he's doing this.'


    Neither he nor Severus was that popular with Percy's family... then again, Percy wasn't too popular with Percy's family either from what Lucius had heard. Still, it was sweet to treat Arthur's son like this.

    ya it's ashame there not *sighs*

    After a little while, Percy pulled back enough to let Severus slip out of his mouth entirely. 'Please Sirs, may I use my hands as well?'

    'You're a greedy one, aren't you?' Lucius said, giving Severus a wink. 'You may. Go on.'

    haha i love when lucius is in power. it's hot

    With the permission granted, Percy took one cock in each hand and began stroking them both. He gave Severus' cock a few licks before leaning over to Lucius' to suck him again with obvious relish. The young man moaned softly and Lucius found it hard not to moan himself as Percy used his tongue to its full potential.

    and i thought the other stuff was hot tsk tsk

    Lucius smiled and reached forward to grab a handful of Percy's hair, pulling his head up and back. 'Open your mouth, that's a good boy. Suck him while I fuck your eager little arse.'


    an amused drawl. 'So this is how my father and his lover spend their evenings? It looks as if they're having a lot of fun, Blaise. I'm almost envious.'

    'Do you think they'd mind if we watched?' Blaise asked Draco quietly.

    'I don't know.' Draco pushed the door open and pulled Blaise with him into the room. 'Is this a private party, or can we watch?' he asked Lucius, smiling.

    Lucius had stopped his thrusts when he first heard his son's voice, and now gave a low chuckle. 'Do come in. I'm sure Weasley wouldn't want us to stop now.' He stroked Percy's hip gently. 'Would you, boy? You want more cock, don't you?'

    alright..the party got better aha

    'Such an eager little slut...' Lucius said, almost fondly, and began moving again.


    'I never knew a Weasley could look almost nice,' Draco remarked. 'Must be because he's in his proper place, for once.' Blaise laughed and slid his hand inside Draco's robe to slowly stroke his cock


    'Such an eager little slut you are, Percy,' Severus purred silkily above him, and laughed when Percy's usually pale skin flushed even more.


    'Jealous? What for? You should know that I prefer the original.' Severus smiled and kissed him back. 'Are we keeping Weasley?'

    'I think we are. He's such a fine slut and an excellent fuck-toy. Want another round when they're done with him?'

    lmfao whores

    Punishment? Oh gods, no. I don't want to be punished! Hmm, why is the sofa..? Oh... oh! Merlin! This must be the most embarrassing... Oh fuck, this feels good... Mmm... Oh, they're going to fuck me? They're going to... oh fuck... ohfuckthat'ssogood! Oh yes! Please, let me suck him at the same... Good lord! This is so good.. so good... What? Who's there? Oh no! No no no! They're going to watch?! But... god, I want more! Please don't stop now! Yes! Mmm... Oh god, he's coming! Lucius Malfoy is coming inside me! Merlin! Snape... is bigger... but oh god, that feels good. So good... Need more! Why... why won't they touch me? Please! Oh god! More! Mmm... godohgodplease! More... I want... too much! This is... too much! More, please! Fuck me! Touch me! Please, let me come! Oh god, they're killing me! It's too much! I love it!

    i dont like how you do percys pov...all together like that

    damn i hate that the story is not done.........and that nobody touched percy. i mean there are 4 guys. thats fucked up

    but the stories so freaking hot and i loved it

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  • From Dracoluvah on February 10, 2007
    I typically avoid any fic with Weasleys in it, but this was so yummy!
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  • From ANON - Elric Maxwell on January 13, 2007 that was hot! Who would've thought that Percy was so...'hungry'? -_^ I love how you had his thoughts there, too! EM
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  • From ANON - Lioncourt on January 12, 2007
    Hey, this was hot! Wouldnt mind some more...
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  • From ANON - She-cat on January 10, 2007
    Really HOT :P continue/update soon
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