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Reviews for Whiskey Lullaby

By : Kinyta
  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on August 19, 2007
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From writtenwithapensealedwithakiss on January 25, 2007
    I came upon this little oneshot, and decided to read it because I love that song. You followed the song pretty well, although I just thought you should know that the line "He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger, and finally drank away her memory" refers to death by alcohol poisoning, not by actually shooting was the alcohol that killed them, not actual gunshots. I would also like to see some more background for this, such as how long were they married for? Was Hermione's friendship with Harry an ongoing tension between them? It just seems to me that Harry laying with her would not be enough to divorce over, particularly since he did not even stick around for an explanation....Other than that the story was pretty good aside from a few technical errors, which are nothing a good beta couldn't fix. Keep writing, there is definite potential there
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  • From PhedreShaharizai on January 20, 2007
    This fic is definitely a tear jerker. You did very well at making it go along with Whiskey Lullaby. Even though it was sad it was very good. I look forward to see some more of your fics. ~KushielsLady~
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  • From GEISHAMICHIKO on January 18, 2007

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