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Reviews for Blindfolded

By : lilmisblack
  • From ANON - Kat on April 11, 2008
    L. Malfoy, totally.
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  • From monkeymama on March 16, 2008
    Gotta love a story that engages your brain as well as your.....well....anyway.....thanks for the mystery.
    I think it is more fun to imagine the various possibilities, Lucius, marauders, professors, Lily with a strap on ;}
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  • From ANON - Orangepeel on October 14, 2007
    I really enjoyed this...have you thought of doing another chapter?
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  • From luvhp on September 12, 2007
    Hmm, very naughty antics in the library so late at night. And who could this other boy be?? Could be Sirius, or maybe even Remus. I don't think it'd be James though. I'm liking Sirius. Taking Snape like that, being hidden from him. Yeah, works for me :)
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  • From gitana on August 23, 2007
    OoOh That was HOT!!! Althoug I have to disagree with the other reviewers...I don't think it was any of the Marauders...I think it was Lucius!!!


    Am I right?
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  • From SnapesSweetheart on February 18, 2007
    I would have to say Remus and the alcohol on his breath gave him the courage to approach Snape. You really should write a sequel Pleeeaaassseee!
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  • From angelnomiko on February 04, 2007
    wow that was awsome i love it and couldit have been sirius ,remus or james.. i hope you make more ... later for now

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  • From ANON - Katie on January 25, 2007
    I like this, though I must say I REALLY want to know who it is. Please? I'll give you cookies!
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  • From BlackPriestess on January 25, 2007
    Uff. Oh, boy, the hotness *drool*. There aren't many well-written PWPs out there... but this one is... hot *sorry brains lack blood at the moment can't find synonyms* ^_^. Would you mind to tell me who the other boy was? *points at email above* In my eyes, it IS James. It HAS to be James! (sorry, if the pairing squeaks you just like the other reviewer^.~). The person behaved exactly the way I would imagine the two of them together... or maybe it's the influence of my own story *g*.
    Yours, BP
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  • From bubbysbub on January 25, 2007
    gah!!! was yummy!!!! wow, love this, it was so good!!! and please let it be sirius. a very under-done pairing, but one that really works. i think with the comment about the slight taste of alcohol would rule out remus and the kind of forcefullness leans me towards sirius. james totally squicks me, and i don't feel a lucius vibe from this-not vicious enough? i really would love it to be a sirius severus pairing. oh, you have to do a sequal. pretty pretty please!!!!!! was just so good!! well done!
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  • From ANON - Lockheart on January 24, 2007
    Really good but it is mean to keep secrets I wonder who it was but I will never know Cry now
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