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Reviews for Draco's Cracked Mask

By : graballz
  • From Danine on February 21, 2007
    Wow, fast update, I only just read this, haha. This part was really beautiful and refreshing, and I know Draco will heal. And you are exactly right about the anger step with healing, not only is it a part of the process, it makes you harder to be hurt in such a way again, AND you grow a natural detatchment (mostly, some people's grow stronger-*Boggle*)to the one who hurts you so much, amking it easier to move on and try again with someone new.

    Anyways, I used to threaten to kill Harry in my stories if I didn't get a nice amount of reviews, which is cruel, but now I agree with you, I just say review if you wnt, if you liked it and such, because honestly, you do want to know if people are reading and liking what you write, but you don't want to come off as a review whore either. I try and review stuff I like, or if the writer needs several lashes with a wet noodle for laziness, but I know I could do more. (done with babble)

    Keep up the good work, hon, this chapter really spoke volumes!!
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  • From Danine on February 21, 2007
    Well, I'm reviewing anyways. I like dark and scary sometimes, but this isn't as dark as it is sad. It made my heart twinge when I read it, all sappy and gooey, wanting to hug Draco and shake Harry all at once. Indeed, it is the indifference that hurts the worst, for you know it is over, there is nothing left to work for.

    I hope you aren't feeling this pain, or that it's subsided. I hate all my ex's, I know your sadness. *big hugs*
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  • From thrnbrooke on February 21, 2007
    What split them up? Does Harry still love him? Or is it indifference? Sooo need chapter 2!
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  • From YamiBakura on February 20, 2007
    I don't know about more in this particular line, but I'd definitely like more from you, and will check to see if there is after I post this. If not, more wouldn't be disastrous, in any case.

    For what it's worth, I'm sorry you're so angry, but I hope that your writing was able to take the edge off it some. I know that it helps me.

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