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Reviews for Harry's Twin Brother

By : toryamane
  • From melodelic on April 03, 2007
    I really think this is a neat story, but question, is this going to end up being twincest?
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  • From goldentrio on April 03, 2007
    I loved this chapter. Harold seems very protective of Harry. Can't wait to see where this story is going. Please update soon.
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  • From fudgebaby on April 03, 2007
    loving this story!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
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  • From Vittani on April 03, 2007
    interesting chapter, its been a long time since i last saw this in the lists. Please udate again soon, i want to know more about them together.
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  • From LJofTheDarkThrone on March 25, 2007
    I want to see this updated soon. It sounds lovely. ;D Plus, gotta love the incest.

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  • From darrena on March 13, 2007
    Wow, this seems like a very promising story! I liked the idea very much so far... fascinating

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  • From SlythRaven on March 05, 2007
    Brilliant first chapter. I can't wait for the next
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  • From GilraenSurion on March 03, 2007
    this is pretty cool beginning... pls more, pretty pls!
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  • From Aamaya on February 25, 2007
    Interesting...this kinda different. I love it! I hope yoiu find the time to update soon!
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  • From Vittani on February 24, 2007
    hey very interesting, i liked it so far. Harold l get Harry to his full potential.
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  • From SnapesSweetheart on February 24, 2007
    Very promising. I can't wait to read more.
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