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Reviews for The Real Champion

By : ExtremelyMagical
  • From ArbitraryDoom on August 05, 2008
    .........i like it thus far!.........i have been looking for a story like this for a while.............anyway great job and please continue.............XP!
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  • From Bambisbunny on April 10, 2008
    Please post more. i really kind of am getting into this story and would really like some more. *please sir, can i have some more*
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  • From AbbyMalfoy on March 21, 2008
    This is AWESOME!!!! Update soon!!!
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  • From kati on September 12, 2007
    awww... this is too cute! I can't wait for your next update!!!
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  • From DuoMaxwell on August 08, 2007
    great story! i like it i think CedricxHary pairings are awesome so pls update soon! b/c im lookin forward to reading more!!!!!
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  • From BlankBaka on July 29, 2007
    Oh, another thing, you'd have a lot more reviews if you allowed anonymous reviews.
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  • From BlankBaka on July 29, 2007
    FINALLY, a good Cedric/Harry story! *jumps around* Anyway, update soon and all that, do you think you could email me when the new chapter comes out?
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  • From Flinchy on April 19, 2007
    Please update soon. I really like this story. Keep up the good work.
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  • From Jan on March 27, 2007
    Hmm...would it work if I review three times? If not then please, please, please update soon. ^__^
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  • From sanda on March 24, 2007
    good story
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  • From Jan on March 07, 2007
    So far the beginning is interesting. Please update soon I like very much. ^__^
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  • From Aamaya on March 04, 2007
    Hello! This is pretty good. I'm curous about how this will be developed.
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  • From melodelic on March 02, 2007
    Wow!! I really hope you continue this story because it sounds really promising!!
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  • From r3dhaz3 on February 28, 2007
    Hey, this is an interesting spin. Will it be entirely from Ced's POV? Hope to read more soon~
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