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Reviews for Tempus Fugit

By : YamiBakura
  • From Samaelthekind on March 20, 2007
    Chapter 4 :-) So many interesting things. The backstory on Peter was neat! A good explanation for his distance from the others and eventual betrayal. The time theory was very interesting, and a fave subject of mine since I love metaphysics and philosophy. Your friend Rei has probably read some of the same books I have :-) Don't even get me started on chaos theory! As for the harsher criticisms some have dealt, they may be right, but we're here to have fun. If you started out aiming to creat the perfect fic, well, okay, this aint it, but if you started out aiming to have fun, it sure seems like you have, and I'm just enjoying this on its own judgements. It seems like you have a plot in mind, or at least an ending in mind, but you arent sure how to get there and you're filling in the blanks without looking for plotholes. This doesn't change the fact that the editing is pretty clean and the characters have individual personalitys, so the interactions between them are still fun. If you ever aim for a super-fic, plot the story out carefully on a pad of paper, and figure out in advance which characters are involved, what they'll be like, what will be problems for them during different parts of the story, and how it will resolve...then go back and pick it apart for errors. Most of all, don't feel bad ( I back edited Redeem Me to clear up at least 3 seperate foul ups where one chapter contradicted another...only a couple people ever noticed, so I got off easy and fixed them before anyone else commented.) Thanks for the kind words in the author notes, and if you still have ideas and a desire to put them where we can read them...keep going! Lurve, Sam
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  • From graballz on March 20, 2007
    Chapter 5--Wow, another mention? I feel special! *blushes* Where's thrnbrooke been, anyway? Haven't seem them around lately! *frown*

    YES YES YES YES YES IT WAS DRACO!!!!!!!! FUCK INDEED! Wait, Draco, can't "FUCK" Harry if you're running the other way!!!!!! *protesting* GO BACK! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh god! I didn't even THINK of that!!!! Harry's body....NO TAN LINES! YAY FOR NO TAN LINES!!!!!!!! FUCK THAT'S HOT!

    YES we're going to relive it!!!!!! w00t!!!! I'M SO EXCITED! OMFG That's so cute!!!! Draco, at 11, knew that a "tiny Harry Potter" was the man of his dreams???? SO CUTE! I THINK I'M GOING TO DIE FROM CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!! *squeal*

    Nicely done on the "Malfoy heir" thing! *clapping* I don't think I've ever seen that in a story before!


    oooooooooooo, good insights onto the whole denied friendship thing! How can I think when I'm so turned on by Harry and Draco and so pissed off at James right now??? BLAHGDFWFWIO HAHA WAY TO GET 'EM BACK, HARRY!

    *slow, rumbled growl in the back of my throat* James is touching my Draco's Harry again..........and James is still on my black list from earlier! Watch yourself, Potter Sr! Nobody's supposed to touch my Draco's Harry but DRACO! (and YOU'RE NOT DRACO!)

    Hmmm, a ghost, eh? Oh wow, good call! HAHA Portraits cuddling! *snicker* Harry's got balls, interrupting the Fat Lady's cuddling!

    Golden Dragon....that's not Draco....*suspicious* god DAMN EVERYONE wants to get their hands on Harry Potter, even 30 years in the past! (especially 30 years in the past, hehehe) I thought Draco's name meant "Bad Faith" in French.....grrrrr for flirting with someone besides Harry! Draco, you BRAT! Stop that! Wink at Harry! HARRY! OH SHIT, I'M LAUGHING SO HARD I CAN'T BREATHE!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Mmmmmmm, Harry's playing "Barbie".....THAT's a luscious thought! BAH HAHAHAHAHHAHA AWESOME! Checking each other out!!! PRICELESS

    Longer chapter = longer review *shrug* Sorry. That's just the way it works lol

    What I think of Drakon: NO MORE TOUCHY MY DRACO'S HARRY! AND NO MORE FLIRTING WITH DRACO! (same goes for Draco with the Greek, too!) haha Other than that....nicely done. He might be able to jump in and take Harry's place in their Gryffintastic orgies :)
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  • From Samaelthekind on March 20, 2007
    Ahhh, good old Dumbledore ex machina :-) He can set things right when no one else can! As for Draco, a month is too long, he needs to be plopped into the middle of a sexy Gryffindor sandwich and shagged until AK'ing Harry is the last thing on his mind :-0!!! Peace, Samayel
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  • From Argo on March 20, 2007
    It bothers me that when Harry thinks about himself having sex with a guy, he automatically assumes he will be on receiving end. You're no going do him into bottom, are you? Because if so, I would really like the warning - I very, very fond and intrigued at your story, but I * hate * bottom!Harry with passion. I always thought he deserves at least equal relationship, although I would rather put him on charge, because I trust him to not hurt his partner and take care of him, and I'm sure Harry will be perfect at taking care about someone and showering him in his love. I also think Harry needs to be one, making decisions about this part of his life, because so much others aspects of his life was out of his control.
    I wonder about Harry's relationships with other Gryffindors. He is seventeen, just like them, and he had so much more deadly experiences in his life, as well as his life with Dursley, that he must be even more mature than them all. Yet, he for some reason, still looks up to them, as if they were some father-figures for him. Please! They just children in comparison with him. And if he * is * look at James as his father, doesn't it perverted for him to have any sexual actions together?
    It's the same with Gryffindors, also. Harry is seventeen, but he looks fourteen now, isn't he? How can James take sexual actions towards his son, if he sees Harry as such, and towards fourteen child at that? Doesn't it seems at least strange to you?
    Ok, now about Draco's try of killing Harry. He cast Avada Kedavra, unforgivable, so why he is still at Hogwarts? He must be in Azkaban already, especially since there are rumors spreading about this at Hogwarts. Even if he under-aged (that he isn't, even if he now fourteen), he must be at least expelled, and had his wand broken. And since they can't expel him (where he will go to, Malfoy Manor?), they MUST take his wand! And to ignore such crime is extremely criminal in itself. Lily, as Harry's mother and "Granger-a-like", must at least demand that from Headmaster. Especially since if it's their seventh year, she should be Head Girl right now, and James is Head Boy, according the books. So, why they didn't thought about danger Malfoy is, what with him, having already cast Avada at Harry?
    And finally I wonder why now when someone knows about Peter's future betrayal, they don't take some actions about that? I don't mean punish him for something he didn't yet, but maybe, talk to him? Give him more attention? If Harry and others can do something for change Peter's future decision to betray his friends, why they don't do that? And at least Harry must think about Peter's brother's destiny as * reason * for Peter's betrayal. So, why don't he? He was so paranoid and suspicious in his six year, about Draco and all, and since he WAS right, he must be very suspicious and paranoid right now, but why he acting so un-mature and careless?
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  • From Samaelthekind on March 20, 2007
    Damn! Harry really spilled the beans in chapter 2 didn't he? How are you going to stitch the future back together with the past so dramatically altered? Damn! This is gonna keep me up for awhile! Peaces, Samael (PS: Ewww! Wanking with his Dad?! EEEK! Scarred for life by that notion...but I'm liking the thought of a snuggly Sirius and a Harry who misses him...mmm!)
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  • From ANON - butterpie on March 20, 2007
    Well Drakon was certainly a surprise,but then he provided Draco with quite a serving of Harry's best features now didn't he? Of course it was Draco who discovered hotter Potter in the shower. Nice to see how much the boys can shake each other up. Also Harry's animagus was a pretty big kitty, and he pounced James and Sirius silly. Harry you naughty kitty! Loving your story more and more. Please continue.
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  • From ANON - Jien on March 19, 2007
    everybody loves harry potter! LOLz
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  • From goldentrio on March 18, 2007
    I just read throught the whole story and it was good. I especailly liked Chap. 4. Can't wait for an update. Oh, and I think it was Draco watching Harry. :)
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  • From ANON - butterpie on March 18, 2007
    Well, the watcher could be either Draco or Regulus, but hell who knows it could even be Snape for all I know. Enjoying your well spun tale. Please continue as I'll be waiting for more.
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  • From graballz on March 18, 2007
    Chapter 4--AAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHH EVIL! That was a GREAT chapter! and +10 for the hot sexiness at the END (when I've alredy done all of the thinking/puzzling about the plot) haha

    I think it was Draco. I want it to be Draco. DRACO, DAMN IT, DRACO!!!! I love Gryffindors as much as the next guy, but Harry belongs with Draco!!!! *okay, end rant*

    *growl* Harry and Regulus...Harry and Sirius...Harry and Remus...even Harry and James! (Fuck, that one is STILL a shock to me lol) You KNOW Harry's gotta be longing for Draco right about now...right? RIGHT??

    Pussy, pussy, pussy....Oh, fuck I can't breathe!!!! It started out as a small giggle. Then I paused in reading the story as my giggle grew to a chuckle..then to a guffaw...then to hysterical laughter which led to a fit of coughing and now I can't fucking breathe and it's AWESOME! That was GREAT!!!!!

    I can understand the Sirius/Regulus pairing in the context you've described. I, like Harry, am not horrified. That doesn't stop me from wanting Harry and Draco to get together, but I've accepted the way the Gryffindors (and Regulus) are.

    And Pettigrew's twin brother? Holy shit. Sounds like something Snape would've done, if he weren't so stubborn!

    and OH GOD! the shower...*whimper* HOTTTTT! (DracoDracoDraco)

    Just wanted to say thanks for the mention, too! Really sweet of you! I love reading your stories, so it's just as good that you like reading my reviews of your stories! lol
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  • From Samaelthekind on March 18, 2007
    Mmmm! Promising! I finally have time to read, when I'm not editing, and this promises to be a fun fic :-) Be well! Samayel
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  • From graballz on March 17, 2007
    Chapter 3--*blink blink* Oh man, you're making me think with these! Not that I don't love it (I DO) but WTF??? Harry + Draco = Perfection Harry + anyone else = NO! ;) Okay, you totally scared the FUCK out of me with the AK bit! I think I just aged about 10 years.

    And......Harry! *whimper* I have no idea where he was or what he was doing, but it can't be good. And of course, the combination of Draco and Snape is NEVER good! (hee hee) And..*gasp* are Sirius and Regulus...incestous? Is that why Sirius seems to be freaking out over Harry keeping Reg's handkerchief?

    And I have to admit, the whole Gryffindor orgy thing kinda weirded me out, but I'm getting used to it...MAJOR PROPS to you for going where I haven't ever seen anyone go before! Can't wait for the next chapter
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  • From graballz on March 17, 2007
    Chapter 2--Wow, I was certainly eloquent in my review of the first chapter, now wasn't I? *grins* Although, I swear I wrote a more thorough review of this story, saying something along the lines of "OH MY GOD HOW CAN YOU KEEP ALL OF THIS STRAIGHT"...roughly. But my internet's been screwy for the past couple of days, so I wouldn't be surprised if I HAD written it, only to get kicked off the net before being able to post it. *shrug*

    As for Chapter 2........OMFG SOOOOOOOOOOO did not expect"morning" scenes! I hyperventilated for about five minutes...and WOW....I'm.....still in shock. I mean, I know James isn't *technically* his father yet but damn, Harry's going to need some serious (sirius haha) therapy (OH GOD I JUST GAVE MYSELF BAD BAD MENTAL PICTURES) before this is all said and done.

    And the ending of Chapter 2 left me breathless and screeching. *whimper and dies* I'm not even kidding. THANKFULLY I have Chapter 3 right here, ready to read so that I don't have to actually die from not knowing what the fuck is up with my Draco baby.
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  • From DracoHarry on March 16, 2007
    DAMN!!!!! I hate when people do that, espectially when i really like the story and dont want it to end. I hope you update soon.
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  • From thrnbrooke on March 15, 2007
    Oh *(&^! Draco is about to change the past unless someone can stop that spell! I need chapter 3!
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