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Reviews for Memoirs of a Serpent's Son

By : Angelsfear
  • From Shananigans on June 24, 2007
    Okay, so Petunia is..err..Was..magical.. I can see that happening for real in the last book by the way. There's just something about her... Great chapter, Im very curious to know how Draco got fixed..or healed..whatever! haha. Hopefuly we get to that soon. Is dudley going to be playing anything important or is he just..there? Vernon got what was was coming to him, personally... I was seriously scared tho with the whole inferi/dementor/werewolf thing occured:|
    Great chapter:D:D
    Shannon xoxox
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  • From Shananigans on June 24, 2007
    Okay, How scared would you be?!?!? I think I would just die, well no. I wouldnt, I would be terrified though!!!!
    Draco got shot?!?!?!
    Pardon me while I go and cry.
    Okay I'm back. He's gunna get better!!!!!!
    Shannon xoxox
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  • From on June 24, 2007
    OMG!!*gives ton of cookies* That was ..well HOT. ^^ I was reading this while trying to keep it hidden from the wondering eyes of my family. xD. What shocked me and like everyone else was Draco's healing?!?! I do hope you will explain that later....I just couldnt figure it out...*shrugs* But Harry. xD Hehehehe. Him teaseing Draco like so, was great. >D how do you like that Draco. This chapter was just simply *melts* ^^ I really injoyed it. And how Draco told Dudley off!I can just picture Harry smirking in the background. ^^ He is soo evil lol. Who doesnt love Parseltongue?!?!? I would be dumb struck if I met one.JK. I really cant wait to see what you have in store for our boys! I mean the gun shot...I am still going on about that. xD Oh and I got 2 more people to read you story!!I hope you dont mind me pimping you off.^^
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  • From ehcie0utada on June 24, 2007
    Wow...that Parseltongue-studded sex was oh-so-H.O.T. Love it!

    Harry is one crazy AND aroused wizard. Would you believe I was actualy laughing when I was reading the sex part? Merlin...Harry's snide, Parseltongue remarks are just funny. And the fact that Draco isn't able to comprehend what he's saying makes it all the more hilarious.

    That is a pretty good twist, Aunt Petunia having those powers after all. No wonder she didn't like to go to Hogwarts. Sensing powers everywhere will really drive her nuts! What a great explanation, Daft Fear! It can actually be considered as a reason for Aunt Petunia's character in JK Rowling's HP series. How could you even come up with such ideas? You just continue to amaze me.

    Now the question remaining is, what exactly DID happen in #4 Privet Drive before the Order arrived? Who or what attacked Vernon Dursley? What actually took place? What specifically did Aunt Petunia do that made Duddy didikins squeal *snorts in suppressed laughter*? what IS happening to Draco? That is come he can heal properly now when he couldn't before? Hermione said it was not because of the potions, so what could have made him heal that quickly? Seems I just have to wait for chapter 59, ne?

    What about the pureblood status? When Aunt Petunia said Draco's magical ability is more pure, I became all the more puzzled. What if he didn't give up his pureblood status after all? Hmmm...this is most mysterious.

    I wonder when you're going to clear things up about Snape's true colors. Is he a "good nut" or a "bad nut"?

    Another thing -- when will Voldemort hunt Harry? Isn't it that the Order made Harry look like he's dead? I bet Voldemort knew he's still alive, but what about the wizard community? How did they react? When Voldemort showed up in the G-8 summit and wreaked havoc, did they think that it was hopeless for everyone because "The Chosen One" was rumored dead? many questions are swimming in my head, and you're still piling up more! My oh my...aren't you one naughty little girl!

    But still...I can't stop reading this. I just gotta have those answers!

    Can't wait for chapter 59. Hope you will update tomorrow.


    PS: Thanks for promoting my fanart! It's okay, lol! You're doing me a favor. I am really hungry for criticisms, and hopefully I will be able to get more!

    PS PS: I'm sorry but the other one will have to wait. Too many projects at hand (I'm sketching X-Men's Archangel now for my Comics class...Argh! I'm struggling with his muscles and costume, damn it!). I will try to insert it in my schedule somehow. Well, at least you have plenty of time to guess what part in your fic I'm illustrating next! :D
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  • From NightLo on June 24, 2007
    Well...has Draco been transformed into something else? A real dragon perhaps? Or...other magical creatures? Or..oh~~~~ Draco's bloodline has some hidden magical creature powers and Lucius's actions have accidentally triggered that? Hum...a good question to ponder.

    Well, aunt peutina, if you can sense magic? How strong is Harry and how pure is he?
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  • From stasa on June 24, 2007
    Loved the chapter and I absolutely looooooved Harry
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 24, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 59! She refused Hogwarts? Has a special gift? I sooo need more! Gotta know more about that comment!
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  • From Shananigans on June 24, 2007
    OKay, Im going to be sooo honest with you right now. I LOVE this story, I wish i was even half as skilled as you, I have been reading it for a couple days (minus the drinking, because its my town's festival, so I've been spending a few days celebrating..and consequently, between that and your story, IVE been slacking on mine, LOL. tottaly irrelevant...) Anyway, I have been itching to reveiw for a while now, (almost every chapter) But I held off, I was just going to leave you a MASSSSSIVE one at the end (58) Cuz thats as far as you've got thus far, but Seriously...It's sooo sad. I mean I've almost cried like 5 times, and then you wrote about choking up about Sirius and Remus..and i tottaly feel it. I did too, among the many other times. I just wanna show my support, and now that I've broken my wish to not reveiw till I got up to date, I'm sure I will be reveiwing every chapter I have left to read...
    Please continue, and make it last as long as you possibly can!!! I'm too in love with it for it to end.
    Shannon xoxox
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  • From sunset20 on June 24, 2007
    :D Well, I know you can't answer of course, I wouldn't want to you to give away all your genius little ideas. :D Oh, what an ending... I was never a great fan of Parseltongue, probably because it's always connected to Harry, but here it was simply sexy... Tell me, I didn't just call Harry Potter sexy *looks worried* it must be the heat... yeah it was the heat! You must be really powerful if you made me say that :D, especially after reading the Sectumsempra chapter (aaaarrrrggghh!!!) just before reading your new chapter.
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  • From redneckmama236 on June 24, 2007
    ohh gotta love the snakey goodness! Loved this chapter. love the cookies. need more now. please.
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  • From AmyHavok on June 24, 2007
    I loved this chapter...soooooooo kinky in a way only harry potter could be.... Cant wait to see what happens next. OHHHHH I JUST LOVE DRACO!!!!!! Oh and before i forget, yeah i dont think draco would be very happy if he were to find out the last comment...hehehehe. (today was a great day after all)
    I think you would be happy to know that i have just decided that this is my favourite Harry/Draco story that ive read on AFF. YUP, and ive been keeping up with this story 4 a while but this was just the icing on the CAKE!!!!
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  • From Ryko427 on June 24, 2007
    You are truly a tantalizing enchanter of words! That snake sex! Omg! It was fantastic! Best one so far! Jeeze I love Parsletongue.I would also love a link to your Dream Journal when it is finished, always fun to read other people's dreams. Hopefully I will have another Draco dream, they always seem so short, even though I know they are long. I just can't get enough of Draco.

    I am also shocked with his healing! I do hope he at least retains some of his scars. They are quite sexy in my opinion.

    As for the whole Petunia thing, you have very interested in what is about to come. And is Draco still a pureblood?! I do not know! You must update very very soon! I love this story sooo much! Anyways, 2:30 am here, so I am going to bed with very... *happy* thoughts ^_^

    Much Love
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  • From misslala on June 24, 2007
    oooh, so am I guessing that when Draco sacrificed his blood, whatever soul magic emanated from him was gone? So whatever curse was on his blood is now gone and that is why Petunia could sense it? That is why he healed? Maybe he is pure magic instead of pure blood, hrm so many ideas. I like to Parseltongue game he played, LOL That was cool :)

    God I can't wait to read more!!!!!! WHee!
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  • From danradfan84 on June 23, 2007
    I have read this chapter 3 times already. And I really like it. Harry screaming for Draco's life, crying over the position that Draco is in, kissing him on the forehead, it just proves that Harry really and truly cares for him. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From Ryko427 on June 23, 2007
    Hello again fairest writer of em all.

    Well last night was quite odd, so I will definitely tell you this funny and depressing story. Now I was finished reading Darker Side of Me last night. I was hopping that you updated, but I did get my fill of Harry & Draco from DSoM. Well during my dreams I came across a competition of some sort. I don't know exactly what it was. But all I remember is I was in the backseat of a car with the windows rolled down. In the front were two men I did not know, but seemed very wizardish by the look of their clothes. I looked out the window and saw Draco. Now of course I was not Harry this time, but me. Anyways. He looked at me very sadly and I reached my hand out the window as we drove by. He ran up to me and our hands brushed together. We weren't driving fast because we were in a parking lot. It was almost like outside of a Mall's entrance. Well Draco wanted to do more than just touch my hand. He ran up to the window and I stuck my head out and he kissed me while he was trying to catch up with the car's speed and eventually we were pulling out. I felt very nervous that people might be watching, but it did feel nice. It almost felt extremely real, more real than my first dream. When he stepped back he waved good-bye and I felt extremely depressed yet happy, but I didn't want him to leave. Damn dreams... wish they were the real thing. Love that blond boy.

    Much Love
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