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Reviews for Memoirs of a Serpent's Son

By : Angelsfear
  • From masha on June 23, 2007
    Draco'c Patronus is a lion!Now the true colour of you has been shown to everyone, Draco:) Maybe that's the monent Ron began to accept Draco.That's a wonderful chapter.Thank you for being so hard working!But please don't make Draco a bottom! I can accept Harry a top , but a bottom Draco...that's to much. I understand that 'they have a very err
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  • From stasa on June 22, 2007
    OMG! What is she talking about, and how did Hermione know which potion to make?
    Update soon please, I
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  • From bananasforyou on June 22, 2007
    a lion wooooowwwwww that was a shock!
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  • From mystiedaze on June 22, 2007
    ok so i knew draco would not die...i mean he is writing this. unless harry found it and finished. but dont want to think that way i refuse to think that way.

    i do love dracos patronus. it is so fitting.

    now with patunia i think i figured something out but not gonna say i will just wait.

    also gotta love hermonie and her research and skills at potions.

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  • From NightLo on June 22, 2007
    Well...actually while reading the wound that Draco got, I just realized there was a catch there, however, with that potion, the mystery would be solved, so just leave it...

    However, the most astonishing turn out really would be Draco's patronus...that would be a wonderful story to tell to children...for happy memories - really a lifetime joke XD...

    Finally with the surprise from Aunt Peutina...and her call out to Draco...just hope she can be of use later...and really, with such a challenge, a Malfoy should never back down and show what real prank and torture make of...
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  • From sunset20 on June 22, 2007
    First of all: HOW DARE YOU???? How dare you do this to us readers!!!! *hugs Draco* But you must be kidding me... Hermione... did she? no way... although destiny has a weird sense of humor, so why not? Same goes for Petunia, will she ever come to terms with it? (And most importantly am I reading something into all this or are my assumptions correct? :D) A LION????? I don't have any problems with the Gryffindor connection, that's sweet, but Draco and a LION??? Good idea BTW, I really didn't see that coming.

    I must tell you, you are amazing! I simply fell in love with this story, it is everything I miss in the original. I'm at the moment reading HBP and I must tell you, I think yours is much better. And not only because Draco and Harry are together, that's only an added bonus. :D I mean look at HBP. Everybody has gone MAD!!! The only sane girl in Hogwarts, Hermione, has gone completey crazy over Ron, who was rather sweet earlier but now is simply an idiot (Ron and Lavender kissing? I don't think I'll get that picture out of my had EVER!!!). Harry... well he is simply himself, and I never really liked him. And there is of course Ginny... she... aaarrrrgh, I can't stand her. I mean I used to like her, but the way she behaves now... Why does she always have to hurt people? She is so much like the Draco we see in the books, the only difference is that I'm convinced that in Draco's case this is only a mask that he has to wear because of his father, and Voldemort and because he is in Slytherin. But Ginny... she has no reason to act like that, she doesn't HAVE TO!! I HATE HER!!!!!! The only characters I like in HBP, are Draco (what a surprise), and Luna (yes I know, quite a scary thought, really...), and they are barely present. Moreover, I like your style of writing better, it's so much more emotional (yes, I know it's partly because it's a diary, but still...). Anyway, I LOVE THIS STORY, and you're amazing!! :D

    BTW, I'm convinced that Auntie Rowling :D, is a secret H/D shipper. No, really... I mean I don't think it's normal that after Hermione warns Harry that some girls want to give him a love potion, he immeadiatelly thinks of DRaco... that's just weird! *smiles knowingly* :)

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  • From Ryko427 on June 22, 2007
    Okiely Dokiely.

    Let me see...
    Well I liked it, it was also confusing and painful. What I mean by painful was seeing Draco in pain. But of course I knew he couldn't die ^_^. But it pained me that you put in "I know by the end of all of this, I will die" You make me feel sad! But you are the master writer who plays with the hearts of others =(. Not saying this a bad thing, just if Draco dies, like I stated before, I will ball my eyes out. Anyways!

    I thought this chapter was very interesting. I am wondering... as to how Auntie saved Dudders. My opinion is... there is magic in her, and she used it to protect Dudley. Although... if she did use magic... that is quite odd cause she is a squib =/. But I would love it if she did^_^ I always liked her and her description, the bony face, ha!

    I am also glad that Draco is accepting Ron, no more Weasel! Or so I hope. And by god, I love Hermione, she is such a genius ^_^. And Draco was tearing up my heart, I wanted to scream "You are not going to die, and this is going to work!".

    You also implanted things that are refrenced to the books, which I thought was very cool. What I mean is, how you took Fred and Georges willingness to take Dudley with huge grins. I will never forget Book 4 when they dropped the candy, hahah! Priceless!

    Also loved how the Patronous is a lion! Hahaha! I had a feeling it was going to be a lion!

    I also just want Harry to be on top! Just once! I know you love Draco and all, you want him to be the bigger man, and I adore Draco! But just for one paragraph, make Harry on top! I think it is only fair that Draco is filled with warm liquid... if you catch my drift... >=D

    Anyways, Great Chapter, Can't wait till the next one. I am soooo curious as to how Petunia defended Dudley from whatever attacked her. Maybe she is more magical than is led to believe... I wonder if that is the protection Dumbledore mentioned... anyways! Looking forward to chapter 58!

    Much Love and Enjoying the Cookies, you make a lot!
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  • From Snarrylover on June 22, 2007
    finally caught up *whew*

    my, this has taken an interesting turn. i thought the G8 thing was really cool to encorporate. im curious to see how this mess will be cleaned up

    a lion patronus!?!??!?!? thats brilliant lol. there's no way he'll ever live it down *grins*

    cant wait to see what happens, cheers!!!
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  • From on June 22, 2007
    Hahaha I just read chp. 56. And I have something to say. I love you. xD I was shocked that Draco really got shot..even thou I had the weird urge as I said in my last review. xD Death is great? I dont blame yea for borrowing the name. Lol.

    As for when the were going into the city. Wow. All the bllod and dead bodies. And the air must have stank. I really liked how you told the differences between the different dead bodies. I think that really was a great idea.

    Ron....I want to smack him. I mean every one else is well seem fine with it but him...gah.><

    Yea!!!So we will have both top and bottom Harry and Draco....and maybe some kinky toys? xD I am joking. But yay for both top and bottom!!and Parsultongue xD..I just read a random fanfic with that in it...ahhh good times. More then like I will give you another review. *off to read ch 57*
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 22, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 58! Dudley acted as if Petunia was a witch? Interesting! Sooo need more! Can they be trusted in headquarters?
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  • From misslala on June 22, 2007
    Wow what a great chapter :) I like how it played out and that Draco is going well, for the most part. :) I like that his was a Lion, it shows he actually has courage. :) Can't wait for more!
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  • From redneckmama236 on June 22, 2007
    First off, Thank you so much for such a wonderful story. I just found this story today and read the entire thing in one sitting i couldnt stop. The angry sex scene was the absolute most erotic thing i think ive ever read. Ever. I didnt want this story to end. Please update soon.
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  • From ehcie0utada on June 21, 2007
    Wow...breath-taking chapter.

    Draco's Patronus is a LION? Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh... *rolls onto the floor and laughs uncontrollably* Talk about paradox, him having a sign of a Gryffindor when he's the most Slytherin of them all! Something must have died inside Draco when he saw his Patronus.

    I still have no questions regarding this chapter. Hmmm...I wonder what Petunia will say to Harry. And Vernon Dursley's dead? Wow...I thought he would stay for a while longer than that. It's not such a bad idea, though.

    It's beginning to get tough for both of them, and again, Harry and Draco's mortality is given focus in this chapter. Now, it's Draco's turn to make Harry nuts with the dying stuff. I wonder how Harry would react to it. The last time Harry was in Draco's situation, it triggered a rough bout of sex...although I'm not expecting to see that same reaction since this time, Draco's hurt pretty badly. I don't think Harry would even dare. Maybe he would let Draco recuperate from his injury then give in to another rough bout of sex...although if they could find a position now that is comfortable for both of them...Hehe!

    Anyway, I'm feeling a bit sober because I am, once again, reminded of my own mortality. Merlin, I am reminded of it EVERY - SINGLE - DAY...mainly because of my theology and philosophy classes.

    About your gift, I suggest you check your e-mail once in a while. I will send it to you in a couple of hours' time. :D

    Keep writing. Can't wait for chapter 57!

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  • From NightLo on June 21, 2007
    Oh merlin, this Draco is getting more and long as he can better out Harry, as long as he can take little advantages...still he has his own ways of declaring love. However, I must say, Harry is rather dense (though Ron also), if you want 'something' in return, Draco should voice out more directly!

    Also - I did agree that making friends with the twins will help greatly - just imagine all the 'helpful' and 'interesting' products that they can specially make for you in bedroom...they would love this challenge. BTW, will we able to find some of their products soon?

    ...but Draco know how dangerous that we can be...and would his injury and 'sacrifice' knock some senses into Harry? But all I could really love him too deeply, Draco Malfoy...
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  • From ehcie0utada on June 21, 2007
    And it ended all too soon once again...

    Wow, the descriptions of what is happening in London are very vivid and detailed. I wonder what will happen to Draco. Merlin, him being hit by a stray bullet DID occur in a very bad moment. That is quite sad for Draco...just when he's savoring his flight after a long time, he gets hit. Just perfect.

    Thank you for clearing up the gift-giving question I asked previously. It really enlightened me.

    About Snape...I still wonder what you plan for him to be. But I feel my questions regarding his true nature will soon be answered.

    Draco's Patronus haven't materialized yet, am I right? Hmmm...I wonder what his will look like.

    I'm glad to hear that Draco and Harry would more or less be equal when it comes to bed. I'm so excited to read that part!

    Can't wait for the next chapter! Oh my...what would happen to Draco? *shiver shiver* I really hope he would just be fine.


    PS: I'm sad to hear that you had a horrible day. I hope everything would be fine for you soon. Maybe this little revelation would cheer you up: I will be able to give you your present tomorrow! Not Saturday or Sunday as I expected myself to be done. Actually, I can already give it to you but I'm still doing some final touch-ups. I guess I'm a bit OC when it comes to...hehe! Can't tell you that bit of information until tomorrow!

    PS PS: Sorry if the review's a bit short. I don't have that much questions regarding this chapter.
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