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Reviews for Memoirs of a Serpent's Son

By : Angelsfear
  • From NightLo on June 10, 2007
    ...what a scene and experience! But why could voldermort create a horcrux in Harry's home? Did he really die immediately after trying to kill little Harry? So this meant...after killing James, he created a horcrux and designed the inferi trap!

    But lucky that Draco was there, and sounds can send inside the shield, and he seemed to always able to talk some senses into Haryy's they both must work and train harder, so that they can be there always for each.

    However, what worried me most was...if only Harry can touch the horcrux - this means only he can destroy it...
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  • From ehcie0utada on June 10, 2007
    I'm definitely speechless with Chapters 47 and 48. the action-packed adventure! And, that was a close one for Harry! Phew! No, I don't think Draco would let him go after that. Too close, too close.

    You really have pretty twisted but interesting ideas with the horcrux. It's a good thing you added the Inferi (hell, Voldemort wouldn't just hand a piece of his soul easily to the person who took his power!)...and nice touch with Draco's realization there! It just shows how attached he is to Harry now. Yay! *Throws party confetti around*

    Anyway, I'm still anticipating the hot Draco-Harry action! Poor Draco...his birthday had come and gone and still no "present"!

    About Snape...I have an odd feeling that he is a "bad nut", as Willy Wonka's chipmunks would put it. I don't know, maybe it had something to do with Pettigrew's statement (
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  • From danradfan84 on June 10, 2007
    In my review I said that Deatheaters nearly killed Harry, I don't know where I got that from, I meant to say the inferi, Deatheaters are on my brain I guess. Great chapter by the way. I love reading this story. I just love it. Don't doubt yourself, it's very good. Long but good.
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  • From danradfan84 on June 10, 2007
    Yes, that was very intense. Good thing Draco stopped Harry before those deatheaters could kill Harry. Anyways, can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From misslala on June 09, 2007
    Oh wow, that was great! :) I love how Draco wrote that he was never letting Harry go!!! NOt again, how sweet! :) I hope that doesn't build us up to something horrible. :P NOOOO. hahaha I can't wait for more, that was awesome!
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  • From Danine on June 09, 2007
    Oh! Lupin's so smart! I like how he tried to deny it and it stuck dead in his throat. Great chapter!
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  • From misslala on June 09, 2007
    I love Remus! He is such an undervalued character most of the time, LOL And yes, I agree that he is quite perceptive. :) Another lovely update! MORE!!! Please? :P
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  • From stasa on June 09, 2007
    Ok, first I
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  • From Silvae on June 08, 2007
    MUHAHA, okay, his nicknames for Dobby made me pee. They're suiting. Dingbat or dunderhead hahahahahaha. Hem *cough*

    I think boys are supafreaks (aka sexually mature) way earlier than girls... I know for a fact that by 13 they're all sex-crazeh. I think between 10-13 they're just coming to understand it and like the idea of it.... But you've already written way farther so no matter now :P

    Poor Draco, not getting the recognition he deserves *pets him*
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  • From Silvae on June 08, 2007
    AHA! It's perfect, you totally have the 'I hate you so much because secretly I LOVE you' going perfectly. Hehe, gotta love how even bumping into Harry's arm turns him on :D Yes, I am reading into things, SHHHHH! .... or am I? *reads on because she didn't get to read yesterday*
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  • From AlisonLee on June 08, 2007
    LOVE this story!!!
    I think Snape's good, left wormtail for H to find so they could get to godric's hollow where snape is staying and snape cast the dark mark... not sure why on that...
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  • From claire2007 on June 08, 2007
    eek. great chapter :]
    glad you're feeling better about the story now
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  • From NightLo on June 08, 2007
    ...Well...interesting planning - I can only have 2 most possible guesses came out.

    First - Snape is not evil and is tried to help. He knew Draco's escape and possibly guessed who he would turn to - and somehow he predicted the need of Wormtail, so he just...planned all these (most importantly, he placed all the potent potions and research in the house, to help them to decipher the horcrux). Once Draco appeared on the outskirt of the town, Snape knew, then he forced down the potion and left...Snape knew about the horcrux as Dumbledore trusted him! Such Dark Mark's issue - just a cover up...

    Second - Snape is evil and this is a trap. He/Voldermort guessed Harry would need to research his 'home' and planned such trap. As Wormtail owed Harry a wizard's debt, and he served Voldi, so he was chained, sedated and 'locked'. Once he awoke, he can unchain himself and...reveal the location of Harry's whereabout!

    There was not Spinner End, however, as Snape is a half-blood, that was where his muggle parent (father) lived previsouly...

    And...and...very delicate development between the two...just hope they can find what they want in each other.
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  • From ehcie0utada on June 08, 2007
    Well, you certainly enjoyed writing the morbid descriptions there, mate.

    About your question regarding Snape, I would want to think that he's good (which is my initial reaction after reading Book 6...weird huh?) but when I read this chapter, there was this gnawing feeling that he is not. Wow, I'm just so confused.

    Ah well, maybe Snape's just one twisted bat of a man who treads in the middle of good and evil.

    I must admit, you piqued my interest with the Dark Mark casting over his place. That is a bit odd, and I wonder what his underlying reasons are for casting the Dark Mark(I have this notion that he was the one who casted it over his house but, that's just my guess).

    I hope Lupin fries Pettigrew after they get the clues in Godric's Hollow. Hehehe! Time for sweet revenge! But I think your Lupin's too soft and forgiving. I don't think you would want him to fry the rat.

    Anyway, can't wait for the next chapter. And, by the way, since it's June 8 now, I hope you give Draco his awaited birthday present! Some hot action with oh-so-delicious Harry, maybe?'s up to you. I'll just have to wait. :D

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  • From thrnbrooke on June 08, 2007
    You asked all my questions now you have to answer them. *smile* I soooo can't wait for chapater 47! Harry was soooo sweet at the end!
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