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Reviews for Memoirs of a Serpent's Son

By : Angelsfear
  • From Snarrylover on May 21, 2007
    sorry i havent been able to review (omg! school sucks arse!!!!). i just caught up and this is so good. bloody brilliant and amazing. i love this fic to pieces. excellent job dear

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  • From Danine on May 21, 2007
    Oh!!! He pushed him up against the wall!!! Oh hell yes! Hot hot hot!!! I loved that they finally went off on each other. It was really overdue, it just shows that they (especially Harry, who's probably been dying to do this since Malfoy arrived) cannot deny this chemistry they clearly have for the other. Oh boy, I hope there's another update soon, I'm so dying now to know what's happening!
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  • From misslala on May 20, 2007
    oMG!!! This is awesome, even if you don't like it! :) I love how they had to get to that point, yelling and scareming always brings people into strange situations, LOL My husband said he was going to start kissing me when I got angry, LOL So that I would stop yelling or whatever, I laughed, oh he doesn't know how much I would enjoy that, LOL

    I am hoping that a kiss is at the end of that sexy dark-haired boy being pushed against the wall. It better be!!!!! LOL Harry better not be a prat and push him away!!!! Harry is full of shit though, he knows how Draco felt, is he going to bring up the kiss? I would love to see the kiss be an issue between them, LOL I can't wait for more!!! :)
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  • From graballz on May 20, 2007
    Chapter 33--You are totally right about the journal becoming a "confidante". I think you're doing fantastic with the writing of this; it's evolving naturally, JUST like if Draco were really writing it!

    *squeal* Harry's different! That's good, right? EEEK I can't wait!!

    *squeak* Draco caught off guard!!! That's SOOOOO Cute!! I think I'll be squeaking for the rest of this chapter!

    Or not...*whimper* Draco, I know you're thinking it looks hopeless now, but it won't be forever...I promise!!! (godDAMN you're a good writer!) You guys HAVE to talk and fight about that night, and then put it behind you and move on so you can grow together!!!!

    This is SO FUCKING BRILLIANT! OH SHIT! Draco's crying????? My poor baby!!!! Awwwww!!!! Now I'm squeaking with sadness for him!!!!! IT'LL BE OKAY, BABY, I PROMISE!!!

    *GASP* DRACO FOUND OUT NARCISSA IS DEAD!!!! Poor thing!! What happened to her??? Bella can fuck the hell off and die....but I'm not surprised that Narcissa is dead!!!! What about Lucius??? (yikes)

    Kreacher...nice touch! Augh!!! Draco heard about the Horcrux!!! The locket!!! HE HAS THE LOCKET!!!! *can't breathe can't breathe can't breathe* what whwat what can't type what freaking out what's gonna happe???????

    *dies* YOU ARE EVIL EVIL EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HOW COULD YOU???? HOW ??? MY LIFE, MY SOUL, MY SANITY.....ripped out from under me with the ending of thsi chapter!!!!! GAH! NO NO NO!!! WHat happens??? Harry faints! He does, doesn't he? I'll bet Ron tries to hex Draco too! And Draco will ransom some information about his mother's death in exchange for the locket? Or maybe Harry will be 'grateful' and offer it?

    GODS and angels this story is so fucking perfecT!!!!!!! Except for that violent cliffie that left me screaming... I still love you and your story, and you're not evil! Just update soon! Please?
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  • From graballz on May 20, 2007
    Chapter 32--uh oh! You've updated twice on me! haha That's the way I like it!

    haha Draco with his head in the toilet? As if!!! Draco's compulsion! MWAAAAA I love it!!! SO Draco!!! Hopefully he'll be able to turn that snarky compulsion into a snogging/shagging one! *evil grin*

    Tonks is Draco's cousin...and he doesn't recognize her? I thought he knew who she was, and looked down on her for being cast out of the family. Except now that he probably wouldn't look down on her anymore, but still...wouldn't he know who she is?

    Oh shit! That was low and mean...even to Draco! (them not saying anything about his family) What happened to them?

    *SOB* You've captured Draco so perfectly while Harry's at the heart is breaking for him! And the part where he's like "no one would hear it if I screamed out, alone " FUCK that got to me!!!! *snapping of my heart* HARRY GET BACK HERE AND TAKE CARE OF DRACO!!!!

    What was Hermione right about?

    YAY for Harry bringing the cake!
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  • From DarianRose on May 20, 2007
    OMG the suspense! O_O
    Leaving it hanging like that is going to make me check back all of the time to see what happens next!
    I can just imagine the shocked silence that will follow the withdral of that locket.
    "...................Where did you get that, Draco?"

    I am now, officially, in love with this story.
    Keep up the good work!
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  • From ScorpioPhoenix on May 20, 2007
    I am really enjoying this. Draco's unrequited love for Harry is so deliciously angsty. I hope that now they will at least start to interact a bit more.
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  • From lissagal99 on May 20, 2007
    You have created a serious problem for me here. I only started reading about two days ago... well I woke up early today so I thought I'd read a bit... I've been reading this thing since 5:30 in the morning! it's nearly 6:30!... and you left it with a cliffie... what am i to do for the rest of the day???

    Obviously u have given me an addiction... well another one anyway... i suppose that is some sort of a compliment.
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  • From claire2007 on May 20, 2007
    oh my god
    i cant wait for the next chapter
    *jumps up and down*
    whats harrys reaction gonna be ?
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  • From Jerrillith on May 20, 2007
    Daft Fear, As always, well done. I can
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  • From Selera on May 20, 2007
    You.. evil... need next part...
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  • From ehcie0utada on May 20, 2007
    OMG! i so LOVE the makes me want to piss because of anticipation (no, i'm kidding, lol! but the feeling i have is similar to that). hope you update soon, unless you really want me to piss my pants in anticipation...


    i'm glad you liked the song. i actually found that the song and your fic jive well by accident. i was reading your fic one day and it just so happened that i was listening to that song as well...and it just clicked! i remembered reading in your previous chapters' PS that you write while you listen, so i thought i would suggest.

    i just noticed the shift from impersonal to personal, but it's not something bad. it was actually frighteningly accurate. i also keep a journal, and when i read my previous entries before reading your fic, i also noticed the shift. i'm just curious, are you also keeping a journal? i just thought that maybe you based the way you wrote the story from the way you wrote your journal...

    i really like the way you wrote draco in your fic. it's so accurate with the draco in the book, nothing more, nothing less (well, maybe the "boy love" part was added, but those who love it don't mind, eh? lol!). the way you didn't rush the relationship was also bloody brilliant! well, in real life anyway, two enemies wouldn't warm up to each other instantaneously. i like the way you made the "warming-up" process slow and gradual.

    anyway, keep it up! thank you for the love and the cookies! *munches cookies and downs it with a glass of milk* i really hope you update soon! take care of yourself!

    PS: i wonder why your fic doesn't have much hits...this is just bloody good! i feel sorry for the other readers who just pass up the chance of reading a very good fic.

    PS PS: by the way, i joined this site because i really wanted to review your fic.

    PS PS PS: i'm sorry if this is a tad too long. :D
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  • From stasa on May 20, 2007
    There is no way you stopped THERE!!!
    I CAN
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  • From ShariShari on May 20, 2007

    Omg! Omg! This is so thrilling
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  • From Danine on May 20, 2007
    Oh, how exciting! I'm sorry to hear you had a rough day:( I hope it gets better!

    I can't believe Draco had the guts to confront Harry about the locket so quickly, but I'm so glad he did. What a doll. He and Harry can get this shite out of the way, kill Voldemort, and have sex. Haha!
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