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Reviews for Memoirs of a Serpent's Son

By : Angelsfear
  • From NightLo on July 12, 2007
    Well...really and finally reaching the finale, with 72 or more chapters, what an accomplishment! And goind to the land of dead to kill...another intrigue and amazing arrangement. However, if indeed it is a land of dead, will the soul be able to help? There must be so many of them, will the souls and loved ones help to kill Voldermort? Act as a distraction? And for the spell, if no AK is used, other than by hands/weapons, what other options would you offer? And would Draco be able to...come back?
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  • From NightLo on July 12, 2007
    Well...after finishing all and begin with another hell of work (yes, another whole week away...), here are my reviews...

    Have you seen the newest film? Neville has grown and truly being a you described, he was never clever, was never quick enough, but he was patient and kind and persisitent...he was another war victim...such way of dying did suit him best! And his action did done great harm on she praised the lord higher than others, failing him would be such a disgrace, and being stopped by a longbottom...what a trick!

    And what did Dumbledore has to say? Actually he left a question behind in book 6, and that has stimulated much much argument of real death....but really, Draco's response to red is really interesting!

    But for the assumption of deathly hallows, it just seems...too queer and too horrible to consider. It is a good way to plan and act...however, this makes me feel that...if ever we want something from these hallows, what is the catch then? Sure again this is a matter of give and take, then what is it involved? Life? Soul?...soul is the most precious gift that has given to us, losing it, abusing it and destroying it indeed consider the worst kind of crime one can commit...
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  • From on July 11, 2007
    Sooooo Sorry I havent comment in a while.. v.v I have been very busy. I am a busy little girl you know. xD Any ways..I cant seem to remember much of the other two chapter I have read..* relaly just got back from seeing Harry Potter Order of the Pheonix here at midnight* All I am can say it is falling out really nicly for you. I mean you give us enough info to lead us on but yet still keep us guessing.
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  • From on July 10, 2007
    made a typo on last comment. i meant to say 72 not 73. :p
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  • From claire2007 on July 10, 2007
    really is finishing :( but i did know this was coming

    oh yeah #will we still get to see malfoy manor or was there not a right time in the story
    and just wondering have you read the fic checkmate by naadi ?(i don't think it's on aff)
    x x x x x x
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  • From ehcie0utada on July 10, 2007
    Hello Daft Fear!

    I was able to sneak up in the computer room so I was able to send this sole review for chapter 71. But despite this being a one-chapter review, I am afraid this will be as long as the two-chapter reviews I gave you before. Just so it wouldn't be as confusing and cramped for you, I divided it into sections: one review for every date written on this chapter.

    I apologize for the trouble.

    Okay, on with the show. Yahoo!

    Review: Chapter 71

    March 28
    I really loved how you focused the first part of the chapter on Draco's reflections on war and the ensuing 'battle royale,' as well as the side characters' emotions. I especially liked the part where Ginny was listening to Luna about "a complex conspiracy theory dealing with Vampires in the Ministry." It was a 180
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  • From NekoMamimi on July 10, 2007
    And here is the problem with being all caught up with a WIP... cliffies. *sigh* Although I think that I don't mind the cliffies so much with your story. They just make me anxiously await the next chapter. =3

    I don't understand why you are always so insecure about your writing. That's precisly what it is...YOUR writing. If people don't like where you are going in your plot then tell them to piss off and go read something else. You shouldn't feel worried anyway. Your writing style and all other things are magnificent. I haven't found one thing in your story that is wrongly placed or that I didn't like just because it was glarlingly bad. The deaths suck but sadly as you stated in your Author's Notes...they are needed.

    Anyway, (I've realized I am rambling... again) can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From NightLo on July 10, 2007 I need to hand in 2 reports and 1 proposal by the end of this week, I am unable to read...argh...but I promised I will come back once I clear all of my work~~~~ keep this on, please don't give up!
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  • From on July 10, 2007
    omg where do i begin to tell you how much i adore this story. this chapter had me in tears.the way you describe everything in this story is just excellent. i really wunna see more fictions written from you. sorry i didn't review before but i wasn't a member tell now so i'm really happy i'm reviewing now ^-^

    ahh can't wait for ch 73!
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  • From sunset20 on July 10, 2007
    *hugs Draco* Honestly, I did expect a similar reaction, I was hoping for it, actually - no, not because I'm evil and want to hurt my Draco, but because I think it's simply unrealistic to believe that anybody could just forget something as horrible as rape. *hugs Draco* I know last time I said I'm not very much afraid of your ending because I trust you, and it's true, I do, but now that the end is so close I can't help but fear for them - all of them. I don't want any more deaths. Until now I thought I wouldn't mind if Ginny died, I don't care about her, but now I'm even afraid for her (I'm crazy, I know). And PLEASE, PLEASE don't kill Luna, PLEASE. And PLEASE take care of Draco, PLEASE!!!! I know I'm begging but I don't care. *hugs Draco* Er, I think I should stop hugging Draco because a very upset Harry is watching me from the corner and I'm not sure I want to have his rage directed at me, thank you very much. Shit, he's coming closer... Harry, calm down, look, I... I just... there's no need to be jealous, Draco loves you... and anyway, Draco and a GIRL!!! Come on, be reasonable - but maybe that's just too much to ask from a Gryffindor... ups, wrong thing to say... RUUUUUUUUUN!!!! :D
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  • From NekoMamimi on July 10, 2007
    I know I am still behind but I just had to say that I think you did an amazing job in how Neville had to die... I will admit that I do not like the idea that he is gone as far as your story goes. However, the way in which he had to go made me cry (lame... I know...). Then when I read the author's note I smiled to myself a bit... He really was a hero and he always will be in the eyes of many HP fans. At least the one's that read your work.
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  • From thrnbrooke on July 10, 2007
    Soooo need chapter 72! Poor Draco! He just needs time! This is it! Oh I'm sooo worried for them all!
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  • From danradfan84 on July 10, 2007
    Great chapter. A little depressing but it was good. I guess I could kind of see how Draco would feel for Harry having sex with him and bringing back those horrible memories, that nearly brought tears to my eyes, reading Draco freaking out like that. Will there be a chapter when they have sex but call it making love instead of the other way around? Just asking, I really liked both Harry and Draco saying there 'I love yous' that was so sweet. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From misslala on July 09, 2007
    Draco's fear brought tears to my eyes. His reaction, how sad. Rape is a horrible act, and the victims are left with more horror than some know. Ack! *wipes away tears*

    Ok, whew. I look forward to the infiltration! lol I know they won't start the vattle next chapter, but I look forward to seeing what happens. I was sad to see that happen on April 6th, my birthday is April 5th! LOL

    Whew! Keep going girl! *hugs* Hope all is well and see ya next chapter.
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  • From stasa on July 09, 2007
    I'm glad that your spirits are lifted, they should be, you have done an amazing job with this fic and in my humble opinion, represented Draco as he deserves to be represented. With you to the end, what ever it may be...
    Keep going love :)
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