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Reviews for Memoirs of a Serpent's Son

By : Angelsfear
  • From claire2007 on July 09, 2007
    you can really tell its coming to the end
    and i don't think harry will use a killing curse to kill voldemort ... it's too... not simple but too easy in a way. like i can't be done that fast. im not making sense, nevermind

    can't wait for the next chapter *bounces on chair*
    x x x x x x
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  • From sunset20 on July 09, 2007
    I'm scared too... :) Although not so much of your ending (I trust you), but of the ending of Rowling's version... I can't shake off the feeling that that woman will do something that I won't be able to forgive her... ever!!! Somewhere I read that two characters will die in book 7, and if that's true I'm afraid those two will be Neville and Draco. Neville probably for the reasons you made him die (hopefully). And Draco... well, I'm sure he will come over to Harry's side (or at least I hope so, because I don't want to believe that R. is capable of writing a story THAT black and white, I think you could give her some tipps on how to add some depth to the characters). But I think no matter how much he helps Harry, only his...*sniff* death could truly redeem him (of course there would be another possibility: if he had a relationship with any of "goodies" then of course he wouldn't have to be killed, but R. firmly stated that the Draco/Hermione pairing is not her cup of tea, and who else is there? We can't have out fav. pairing of H/D, that's for sure, so who is left? Ginny! Well, in Draco's place I would rather choose death! Moreover I think R. doesn't like Draco AT ALL, so much for his chances of surviving). So there is no love to save him, and I think he will die protecting Harry and the others. And I will hate R. forever! *hugs Draco* *sniff*
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  • From ehcie0utada on July 09, 2007
    Another combined review coming up! I promise, this will be a little shorter than the other double reviews.

    Okay, on with the show!

    Review: Chapter 69

    Goodie! More factoids about the Deathly Hallows and magic!

    I have no idea why McGonagall is so fussed with the Deathly Hallows revelation. But, I have to admit, her little argument with Dumbledore was fun to read. I can imagine the members of the Order swimming in confusion as the two headmasters babbled away.

    Well, well...what an intricate plan Voldemort weaved. And, Stonehenge? I liked that bit. Stonehenge is one of my most favorite mysterious places in the world. Your explanation makes sense.

    And...Dumbledore's brother appears! Wow. More people coming in for some more hodgepodge.

    I have a question though. When you meant Augustus Rookwood's former partner, do you mean a normal work partner, or is there something more to this?

    Review: Chapter 70

    All I have to say is, poor goat. How unfortunate for a creature to be turned into a labrat. But it can't be helped. There's no way to know the possibilities of Apparition inside the Deathly Hallows without consorting to a test subject.

    I wonder whose soul Aberforth attached to the goat, though.

    Ahh, and Luna managed to crack up the awful silence with her killer questions.

    Hmm, so Blood Magic and Soul Magic are needed in the process. Draco must really feel uncomfortable with that idea. There are just too many unpleasant memories attached with those two.

    I feel so sorry for Harry. He must feel the pressure mounting.

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  • From eLeMeNOhPee on July 09, 2007
    Sorry, I'm only a quarter of the way into this chapter but I had to stop and say something. I'm at the part where Dumbledore says
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  • From thrnbrooke on July 08, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 71!
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  • From misslala on July 08, 2007
    man you just keep coming up with more and more!! I love it :) This is such a fun read!!! I can't wait to see what you have next.
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  • From claire2007 on July 08, 2007
    do you know
    if i don't like the ending of the real deathly hallows i may just block it from my mind and pretend this was the real one =]

    really makes me wonder how close to the real books you will be... you make it seem very believable
    and i will look forward to your other fanfictions after you have had your rest =]]]]
    x x x x x x
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  • From sunset20 on July 08, 2007
    Well, I don't really know what to say, I'm still trying to digest all the information in this chapter. But I just wanted to tell you how much I loved it. You wrote it so much better than many other fanfiction-writers could have, I mean it wasn't boring to read all this information, it wasn't like reading a schoolbook, you managed to make it sound like a real conversation. And I really love the way you can make everything so believable! And I send you a special hug for Stonehenge! *hugs* :D I love that place (it was the first place I visited three years ago when I was in England and I completely fell in love with it, sometimes I even dream of being there again - yeah, pathetic, I know :D). I don't want this story to end :((( You will laugh, but every time you write that you'll try to finish it before the last book comes out I wish it was several more month until that because it would mean that yours could go on for some more months. Yes, if I had to choose between reading Rowling's version and your version, I would coose yours! I don't even say "the original" for the other anymore. For some it might seem blasphemous, but I like yours so much more - there are a couple of stories that I like more than the book, but only to your story do I feel such closeness that I would happily give up reading the other if it meant that I can have more of yours. For me, your story has taken the place of the original, I'm not kidding! I read HBP only after your version of that book and even though it was basically the same story, I loved yours much more. Yes, of course, partly because I love Draco, but get easily annoyed with Harry, but that's not all. You can make everything come alive, not only the action but the emotions too, which I simply don't feel in the other, only at some places (like after Sirius' and Dumbledore's deaths). After reading your story, reading HBP was mostly dull, those were just words (except the end, but if you think of how Harry's feelings towards Ginny are described... let's say I'm not surprised that not too many write that pairing, he's so much more passionate about Draco in that book, and I'm not only saying that because I WANT to believe that he loves Draco, but because it's what I feel in the book). Anyway, sorry for rambling, all I wanted to say was that I'm in love with your story. I can't thank you enough for writing!!!!
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  • From stasa on July 08, 2007
    I like your madness, if I didn't I would have stopped reading this fic a long, long time ago, approximately 30 chapters ago...:D
    When Dumblidore said it's an ancient place of magic, I knew it was Stonehenge, funny ha?
    Like the new development and I love that it all makes sense... Keep at it, as for your other fics, I'm your loyal reader and can't wait for the new chapters...:)
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  • From misslala on July 08, 2007
    It is an interesting concept to say the least. I would like to think that JK is going to come up with something relating to Stonehenge, LOL

    Brilliant as always. Can't wait to see what you come up with next :)
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  • From thrnbrooke on July 07, 2007
    Argh! I sooo need chapter 70! Does Aberforth have the other key?
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  • From NekoMamimi on July 06, 2007
    Ugh! I feel so behind... I just started reading this fic a few days ago and I am trying to catch up... >.< I'm on part 44. Sooo far behind. *groans and whines* lol

    From what I've read you are doing a magnificent job with this fiction. *shine*
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  • From claire2007 on July 06, 2007
    great chapter
    and i was going to ask if you would be including the deathly hallows
    wonder if draco will have heard of them ... suppose ill find out soon =]

    it must be wierd for draco sometimes with all those people. glad he couldnt completly change though
    sad this is coming to an end. will you be writing another story after this one, or having a break cos this was so massive ?
    x x x x x x
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  • From stasa on July 06, 2007
    Ohhh, I didn't see that one coming, can't wait to read your spin on the this...
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  • From NightLo on July 06, 2007
    Review for chapter 65...

    Great design for all the horcruxes, and that really match with the owners...for the idea of children inferi, that is really evil, plain evil, and actually those children have nothing related with Voldermort's past!

    Ginny - go to hell, you really are evil!
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