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Reviews for Daimons

By : LadyJay
  • From LiveLaughLoveMe on May 18, 2007
    just to let you know, this is one of my faviort stories and i look foward to updates.
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  • From Maybe on April 25, 2007
    Your story is still nice, but I hope in a following story you can keep the angst of the first two chapters of this story going. In this stroy the angst stuff is emotional and romantic.. Nice, but love angst (the evil kind) and hurt/comfort more...
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  • From Maybe on April 05, 2007
    Nicely done. Especially the commotion when Snape enters and extende his hand is great. The explanation that he was to tired to hear all Remus was telling is original and believable. I hope you'll will continu. The reaction of Voldemort will be interesting for example.
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  • From kguillem on March 28, 2007
    I love this story. I wonder is sev will be happy in the end. I hope so. Great job. Update soon.
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