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Reviews for Daimons

By : LadyJay
  • From ANON - MissGirl on July 15, 2008
    Great story! Some mistakes but nothing that can't be fixed. Really good plot and characters. Lots of angst and twisted romance. I'm surprised this story has so few reviews.
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  • From ANON - edelle on July 14, 2008
    Wow! Fantastic fic. I've read some of your others and was impressed, which led me to find this jewel of a story. I'm usually not into OC pairing fics, but from the first chapter, I've become completely immersed in the story. I love your OCs. Great work!
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  • From ANON - ff on November 28, 2007
    I love your Severus. He's so tempermental, snarky sly and in desperate need of someone to take care of him and love him which he of course fights until he figures out how it's to his advantage. Usually I don't read stories w/ oc's as i don't lke them but Arm was so himself not just some shifty character or too perfect but actually relateable and interresting not to mention he and Severus fit. Only problem i had was not enough sex scenes between them ;) Awesome job.
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  • From ANON - tf on November 08, 2007
    thanks for finishing this fic; I enjoyed it a lot so it was good to see it end well:)
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  • From silmelinde on November 08, 2007
    Great story. I enjoyed it very much. The ending is most fulfilling. =)
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  • From ANON - Yaya Weasfoy on October 09, 2007
    Hi, I love it. Your story is really good and it is the first I check when I am on the net. Poor Severus, finally he has love and familly. Will Gavin really forget himself? Jajaja, Harry will have a long long long way before him! It is really evil that situation. To have the love of your live next to you and you are not even allowed to touch! It will be really fun to see the twin interact with Tayler. As for Ron/Draco relationship, definitif Bottom Draco. Your choice is really good and to show that Ron is intelligent and do what he has to obtain what he want. It would be interesting how you will introduce Draco to all Ron's "world" (crossdressing!). Poor Poppy, I really like her but life is life and it has an end even in a fiction.
    Please update soon, it has been a wile the last time!
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  • From LiveLaughLoveMe on August 08, 2007
    Yay Update! I love this story.
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  • From Sagenwarrior on July 29, 2007
    great new chapter. Can't wait to see the next one soon!
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  • From Sagenwarrior on July 19, 2007
    interesting fic. Looking forward to the next chapter~
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  • From LiveLaughLoveMe on July 14, 2007
    Sooo good. Please please pretty please don't kill Miriam. I like her and Nev to be happy. You one of my faviort authors and I look forward to reading more.
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  • From LiveLaughLoveMe on June 15, 2007
    Poor Harry he has to wait a whole 17 years to have his mate. I love this story and it is one of the first I check to see for updates when I Log on. Look forward to more.
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  • From Extraho on June 05, 2007
    splendid chapter. oh, and you posted it double by the way
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  • From Extraho on May 31, 2007
    simply loved it. nice to see remus kick some ass
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  • From kguillem on May 26, 2007
    I want to say that I love this story. It's actually one of the first stories I check for updates whenever I'm on the net. I love the whole Tyler Draco thing, I think it's sweet. Then you have the whole Severus losing his baby thing, which was sad. You have so much going and I love you for it. Now to answer your draco/ron top/bottom question, I like Draco bottom. But that's just me. Keep updating.
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  • From LiveLaughLoveMe on May 25, 2007
    love the story and for some reason i picture ron as the top, either way I am looking foward to it.

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