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Reviews for The Way Your Brain Puts a Puzzle Together

By : graballz
  • From FallenAngel1129 on July 17, 2008
    very different, but very good, myonly question if u even ever read this dream was caused by low self esteem?? if so what caused it? just his self doubts? because i dont remember reading someone saying somethign to him to cause it...just wanna make sure i was following everything right
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  • From SoriaUndead on April 06, 2007
    awesomely odd... i love it ^_^
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  • From NightLo on April 06, 2007
    Actually I am somehow 'disjointed' by this story - why does Harry leave behind instead of Dumbledore, Snape, Lucius and Cissa with Draco? Wouldn't it be more rational for them to settle first, then Harry comes along and starts more intimidate scenes? Do Lucius and Cissa know Draco's gay? Though Draco is somewhat OOC, but the method of getting information is interesting! I understand the pressure of starting too many stories, so maybe when you have ideas again, then you can...write a sequel/edit this, as I would love to read more in WOaT first!
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 06, 2007
    I loved this!
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  • From Danine on April 05, 2007
    Yowzers!! What a horrible nightmare!!! The dream reminded me of the Wizard of Oz in a way. I'm just glad it was only a dream. And to wake up next to Harry, and then Harry (always a bottom to me) is willing to bottom first... *heart flutters* Loved it!!! Good work on the oneshot, they are a blast to write and relieve that writers block tension we always seem to get. I'd love to read more!
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  • From sunset20 on April 05, 2007
    Okay, you can do it... you can do it... Sorry, I'm just trying to convince myself to try your *special* method of reviewing again, because I know that by the end I'll forget everything I wanted to say to the beginning...

    I know exactly what you mean, Broken Lives was 16!!! pages, I still don't know how I was able to write that much (I mean it was my very first REAL fanfic with a plot and evrything...) Sorry... your story...

    Sorry, but... when DOESN'T DRaco look damn hot???

    Harry - Potter! - Potter /good sign!!!!!! haha

    Draco speaking French?! Oh, God... please... more!!!!

    Good plan!!! Obsessed! Sounds good! Nothing can go wrong, right? Right? Okay, I know if it was one of my stories, I could fuck up even such a grood beginning... *shrugs*
    HAHAHAHAHAHA I don't know if I want to feel REALLY sorry for Ron or want to be really happy for Draco, but oh my God, I'm sure both of them will dream about that image of Harry moaning DRaco's name!!!! :D

    Yes, yes, me too!!! oops, sorry but as Harry said, Draco is cheating!! haha

    Draco and Ron are actually TALKING???? WOW!!!! And YES, he IS going to be the BEST thing that happened to Harry, no doubts about that!!! Okay, talking AND punching, BASTARD!! OKay, but he's going to help so I'll forgive him for hurting my... our (? :D) sweet Draco.

    Okay, I'm normally too scared to watch a horror movie, but with DRaco making girly noises beside me, I think I could manage...:D

    NONONONONONO who? why? how dare you?????? He'll be late, Harry will think Draco stood him up!! Noooooooooooooo don't you dare hurt him!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the...? Are they MAD??? Wait Snape... what the hell does he wanT? Wait a minute... this is a dream, isn't it? PLease let it be a nightmare... please!!!!! Yes it is a dream... it has to be!! DRaco facing his fears, right??

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I knew it!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you!!! Harry will make it right, right? :D WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHY ARE THEY ALL THERE??? WHAT HAPPENED?! OH MY BABY!!!!!!

    Oh yes, here it comes THE FEAR!! Oh, DRaco, you're fantastic, amazing, unique... if you could only believe me... wait, you'll believe Harry, okay then I'll leave it to him... :D Wow! That was fast!!! Harry is good at that! haha

    Oh, what a sweet ending! I love you Draco, and I don't hate you anymore Harry (that's the most I can offer and only for Draco's sake *shrugs*)

    OH. MY. GOD. I really did it!!!!!!!!! But it took me AGES to finish reading because I always stopped and then I couldn't stop writing! Wow! Shit, this is LONG!!!!!!!!!! Well, it was worth it though, it was an interesting experience!!! :D

    Loved the story, thanx for sharing it. :D
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  • From Angelsfear on April 05, 2007
    I've never seen the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (though I dont really want to hehe) so I think the meat hooks thing was lost on me ^^; haha but this honestly left me speechless. It's so... powerful... everything, just really strong feelings rushed through me at the different parts O_O amazing, though I got so worried in the nightmare (without knowing it was a dream) because I kept thinking "NO NO ONE TOUCHES DRACO LIKE THAT EXCEPT HARRY!" and then "OH NO HE'S GONNA MISS HIS MEETING!!! NUUU LET HIM GO!!!" hahahaha and then the same things went through Draco's mind which also makes me laugh (at myself)! Gah great job!
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