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Reviews for Dimension Traveller

By : sephrothlay
  • From ANON - Starry on February 20, 2008
    I say go Sephiroth/Harry
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  • From ANON - loony bunny on January 29, 2008
    i vote for sephiroth / harry as a couple i think that would be sexy
    that or cloud / harry / sephiroth that would be hott
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  • From on December 20, 2007
    Poor Harry. When will he be free? When he is free, down with Dumbledore. Right?
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  • From gravybaby on December 20, 2007
    OK get ready! Here are my votes....


    Dumbles against
    Rufus against
    Turks for

    Creatures for: Elves (Noble and house), Veelas, Harpies, Goblins, Nagas, other Fey (fairies, etc.)
    Creatures against: Werewolves (except Remus), Centaurs, Dementors, Giants (except Hagrid), Hags.

    Remus and Sirius for Harry of course!

    Other Charecters for: F&G, Bill&Fluer, Charlie, Ginny, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Hagrid, Snape, Lucius&Draco, Poppy, writer's choice

    Other Charecters against: Ron, Voldie, Narcissa, most of the other D.E.s, writer's choice

    Other inheritance: Naga, Veela, Harpy

    Holy Potatoes! I hope thats everything!

    GREAT STORY! Excited to read more!
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  • From Selera on December 16, 2007
    Glad to see this has updated a bit since the last time I posted. I really am enjoying this and hope you continue.
    And that voice it's Jenova only explination to it.
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  • From ANON - cola on December 06, 2007
    From the way she talks about her sons it has to be Jenova talking to Harry.

    Good chapter.
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  • From alma on December 03, 2007
    good chapter.
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  • From ANON - psicat on September 24, 2007
    Good story so far. As for suggestions I'ld say on Harry's side and in pairings if you're doing multiple pairings:


    As for alies Vampires, Werewolves, and Velas. Also for enemies Dumbledore, his order, and Ron and Hermoine, prob. because of Harry no longer being under there control and if Voldermort becomes one of his mates; and the Ministry of Magic, because of thier natural fear and hatred of dark creatures.
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  • From alma on September 21, 2007
    Good chapter. As for suggestions, Dumbledore to change and have Rufus against, The first meeting to be with Earth. The elves and veelas on Harry's side, werewolves and Centaurs against becaused they are being promised freedom. Harry needs Remus and Sirius.
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  • From alma on September 21, 2007
    good chapter.
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  • From sephrothlay on September 16, 2007
    If you want to to update you when the next chapter i please send me you e-mail address so you will know instantly
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  • From hpfan on June 29, 2007
    i also forgot to add my vote! i would like draco/harry but i like draco as sub beta
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  • From hpfan on June 29, 2007
    wow. i am dying to know more!! please keep updating!
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  • From alma on June 05, 2007
    good chapter.
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  • From Selera on June 04, 2007
    I want the next chapter! Soon please!
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