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Reviews for Dimension Traveller

By : sephrothlay
  • From alma on June 03, 2007
    good chapter! as for pairings, I like Lucius or draco with Harry!
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  • From alma on June 03, 2007
    good start!
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  • From Vex on May 28, 2007
    This fiction is *freaking* awesome!
    x3 ::luffs and stalks::

    I would love Voldie/Harry and Sephie/Harry.
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  • From serenitygryffindorlpb on May 24, 2007
    I vote for could/harry or sephiroth/harry these are my two fav ff and hp crossover pairing's pairing's and if not these pairing's the kadja/harry i like this couple to
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  • From Selera on May 24, 2007
    I would like it if you continue this.. I love the idea of harry with Vincent.. though Sephiroth would be awesome too.. Other wise for the potter side.. I'd say Draco or maybe Voldie if you do a tomedemort.
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