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Reviews for Dimension Traveller

By : sephrothlay
  • From ANON - Sable Stormbreaker on February 16, 2011
    Can I suggest that you give Harry a Harem with all of the Pairings and have Sub-Pairings within the Harem also add Angeal and Genesis,

    also for the creatures that side with harry how about:

    Draconian's - creatures that are Huminod dragons and only the Mages/magic users have wings, the ones with light coulered scales are the Submissives, and the Darker scaled ones are the Dominants (Dragonlance)

    Kender - Creatures that are inately curious creatures that do not feel negitive emotions such as Fear and to cage a Kender is the worse thing that you can do because they have a constant case of wonderlust, they tend to "borrow stuff and forget to return it calling a kender a Theif is Highly insulting for them"; the weapon they carry is called a Hoopka and looks like a slingshot but with a really long hollow handle with which they spin to make an erie whistling noise, to scare off predators, they have their hair in a topknot and pointed ears like an elf, they also are the size of a dwarf and have a smooth face like that of a of a elf. (Dragonlance) -read it especially the Dragonlance cronicles by Weis and Hickman
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  • From Shadowkiss on August 15, 2009
    A naga is a type of snake as is a lamia.
    Now, on to my votes:


    Harry/draco ,Draco/Harry, Sirius/Remus/Draco/harry,

    And the other poll:

    Dumbledore against Harry

    First meeting on Earth

    magical creatures on Harry
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  • From Selera on August 11, 2009
    Yay! Finally an update. glad to see you back among us.
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  • From Reddesquelle on August 01, 2009
    Mm'kay, love the story, wanted to say that first. next: the polls...I like the Sephiroth/Cloud/Harry grouping, but have a feeling that the Sephiroth/Harry will win...(consider this a vote for both please), and in HP-verse, I am definitely a Voldemort/Harry shipper. Dumbledore should stay against because I'd hate for him to try to redeem himself just to die a horrible, horrible death (and I really want him to die a Horrible, HORRIBLE death). I do think that the first meeting should be on Earth(kinda as I want it to be in Harry's head confronting Jenova with Zack and Voldie)I would like the Turks to be on Harry's side with Rufus wanting to be on Harry's good side, though not especially on Harry's side(as if he were a Slytherin). Nagas are magical creatures that are a cross (in looks) between a snake and a human, considered immortal. Also thought to be shapeshifters of unimaginable skills with the abilty to heal in some stories, and grant gifts in others and also said to be quite, quite vengful(I didn't spell that right) when wronged. for the next poll: True elves, house elves, werewolves, veelas, unicorns, phoenixes(including Fawkes), and nagas for. and against: centaurs.(for being too cerebral for their own good) BTW I really like those you have already included on Harry's side. These are the people I would like to see for Harry: Neville, Luna, Hermione, Bill&Fleur, Snape, McGonagill(don't think I spelled that right), Poppy, the Malfoys, and the Dark Lord(only for being a love interest...I AM a Voldemort/Harry shipper after all, otherwise against), and any and all other Muggleborns whose names can be remembered(though not if Voldemort is the love interest.) I really do think that Ron, Dumbledore, as well as the rest of the "pure-blooded" of the Order of the Phoenix should be against, with the exceptions of those already said to be for and all of their realtives i.e.:Tonks with a possible reconciliation of all the Blacks as they would all have partial to full inheritances of creature blood. That is pretty much all I wanted to say as well and the added comment that this has got to be the longest review that I have ever given, and that I think that the story and your writing style are worth the effort of me polishing off my typing skills. Thanks for a lovely story, and here's hoping you update soon(only hoping with begging hat out asking to please don't smack at me for wanting to read more of what you can write)
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  • From ANON - shadowkiss on July 14, 2009
    For harry:
    Draco, luc, sev, blaze and nev.

    patsy, nott, semus, dean,ron

    a naga, lamia and balikic are all snakes

    sorry about the spelling
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  • From ANON - Shadowkiss on July 14, 2009
    My vote: LV/draco/harry
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  • From ANON - Ofra on March 07, 2009
    My votes:

    From HP:

    From FF7:AC:

    And the other poll:
    Dumbledore Against Harry!

    The Turks and/or Rufus on Harry
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  • From ANON - Lilyth Celestyn on October 08, 2008
    Now that I found it
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  • From Zet on July 02, 2008
    Just to answer your question, a Naga is a human-snake hybrid centered around Egyptian myths and the like in that area. Closely related to dragons, they are an off-shoot of them, if you will. They can either be fully human, fully snake, or a mixture of both, depending upon what they want. They excrete highly poisonous venom, and their voices are said to lull prey into a sense of security. While the voice can be fought, it takes a person with a very strong will to do so. Lastly, they are neither good nor evil, choosing to only protect what they consider theirs and attack anyone who seeks to harm theirs.

    Of course, this is only one myth concerning them. I am sure that their are many, many more of them out there.
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  • From ANON - Night Fury on June 27, 2008
    Can I still vote for pairings? I'd like to vote Severus/Harry and Cloud/Harry or Vincent/Harry. I want Dumbledore against Harry. Molly Arthur Ron and Hermione should be against Harry. All other Weasleys should be for Harry including Percy. I want them in Giai. As for creature inheritances. I think Lucius should be part wind elementalist and part Nereid (the second male Nereid in history). Draco should be part wind elementalist part water elementalist part Nereid and part Elf. Draco should be a natural healer. Since Draco & Lucius are Nereids it would be obvious that they would be weather mages. And they can control their elements. Remus could be a shapeshifter which is dormant till Harry awakens it. Severus could be a changeling. Sirius could be part incubus... Well guess that is it for now. I love giving ideas. If you want more or just have updated please contact me a
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  • From ANON - SilverWolf on May 07, 2008
    please make it Sephiroth/harry and cloud/zack please! no draco pairing! I don't really like him!
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  • From ANON - CHAOS92683 on April 12, 2008
    A naga is human from the waist up and has the body of a snake from the waist down. personly I think nagas are the best human hybred. if You want a pic this one is excelent
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  • From gravybaby on April 11, 2008
    Nagas are based in Hindu mythology. They are a cross between humans and snakes in appearance. The most popular form is that that of a human torso (waist upwards) and a snake-like lower half. Most artwork I've seen have them with slitted eyes, claws, forked tongue, and fangs. Most writers/artists take liberties with how they look anyway so just do your thang if you decide to use them. I think I read somewhere that they can take on a fully (or nearly fully) human look....kinda like a shape-shifter or something....
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  • From Selera on April 11, 2008
    Naga are snakes with human heads usually. Anyways it's great to see you still posting keep it up!
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  • From ANON - Alex on April 10, 2008
    I really am liking this story so far and eagerly await more chapters.
    You asked what a Naga was, from what I can remember it was a creature that is a snake with the ability to appear human or assume the form between the two, supposed to be rather nasty. Hope this helps.
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