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Reviews for Here In Your Arms

By : DracaMalfoy
  • From NightLo on April 21, 2007
    So...being gay is a crime in wizarding world - though it is nearly the same in muggle world...however, how are other people doing? We know about Seamus, where are Ron, Hermione and Weasley, or Pansy and others? (I remembered that Blaise was dead, though half of their year were dead...) Oh~~~ How about Snape and Lupin?

    Any plan for their future? e.g. work plan for Draco? Any traveling plan to sooth Harry? Any idea of adopting children?
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 20, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 5!
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  • From Vibora on April 20, 2007
    hehe "snuggle slut" ;)
    very good chap! update soon please!
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  • From NightLo on April 19, 2007
    I would like to this story AU without magic? As they used aspirin instead of potions, and Draco (of all people) is doing chores!!! That only proved he loves Harry so much!
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 19, 2007
    Need chapter 4! They are sooo cute!
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  • From misslala on April 19, 2007
    Oh this is too cute! I am looking forward to more!
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 16, 2007
    Fantastic! Sooo want chapter 3!
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  • From Annie on April 15, 2007
    Aww they use some song phrases instead of saying "I love you"...that's so adorable =] I can't wait for more!
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  • From XxmurderxtrampxX on April 14, 2007
    This story is very well written, and I really like how Draco and Harry are so sweet to each other. It's just so dang cute. ^_^
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  • From NightLo on April 14, 2007
    Just wondering why no one has rated your story - I like the idea of Harry's being a painter, as I have never thought about this before!
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  • From ZooArmy on April 11, 2007
    That was sooooo FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF *squee*
    Just this chapter would be perfect for a fluffy, I'm really curious what will come next.
    OOOOH I love fluff - it's like escaping out of this cruel world for a short time.
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  • From on April 11, 2007
    Awwww! And I agree, totally love that song. You should write another chapter with that "If Everyone Cared" song by um..Nickelback. That would be tres cool. I'd love to see what you came up with.
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  • From Annie on April 10, 2007
    Aww it's my favorite song too! I can see that this story has lots of potential, so I'll be looking out for more! =]
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