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Reviews for Here In Your Arms

By : DracaMalfoy
  • From Annie on August 20, 2007
    That was absolutely adorable! I loved this fic :]

    and ohmygosh...a fic for me? :blushes: Well I'm not too picky, really. I adore fluffy goodness with a nice Lucius (we hardly see him much these days). Magical creatures with mates are a plus (such as Veela, Vampire, Warewolf...I'm such a whore for these stories!). Oh, and smut is always welcomed ;]

    Thank you so much for doing this! And I'll look forward to more of your works in the future :]
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  • From MisstressNicole on August 19, 2007
    I just finished it again...I know I'm such a dork. Such terribly cute story, what goes on outside of the head banging sex. I'm in love. I've probably mentioned that. People are getting so sick of me saying that, I rant about this story. It's perfect. So so so sweet and comforting. I wish I could express myself better. Maybe I should review and then read it. I really do love this story for what it's worth. And Here In Your Arms and Chasing Cars is still on repeat on my player. I listen to them all day, and as I read this story. So many people don't know what they are missing out on. I'm glad I was graced with it's presence. Thank you so much, again. I'm in love with this story, completely infatuated with it. If I could take this story to bed with me and just hold it tight I would, and I think I'm going to do just that. I'm going to print it out and hold it close as I drift off to sleep.

    ~~Nikki (still kinda wet)
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  • From bananasforyou on August 17, 2007
    awe i wish it wasnt done...:( i sooo loved it!!!!
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  • From potterlover on August 17, 2007
    I really loved this. It was great. Hope you write another one soon. You are an excellent writer
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  • From MisstressNicole on August 17, 2007
    I'm a wet mess. I have both songs on repeat. You've ruined me. So sweet. Oh, I can so imagine me at Seamus' concert. Staring at Harry and Draco. And I know you can hear that squeal when they kiss. I'm in love. This story has just...just wow. I'm at a lost for words. I can't describe to you how I feel. You are a wonderful, brilliant person. You gave me something to cherish. A very sweet, soft spoken, quiet fic. They are the perfect couple. The same mundane things you showed, what we miss looking at people on the street, the subway, the bus. You've turned me into a blithering fool, and I thank you. My sister didn't appreciate the 6 am wake up call, with me sobbing about this story. She thought something was wrong and then I mention that you'd finished the fic and it was so good and so sad and happy. Then she hung up. So now I have to talk you to death. Juli, my friend, just doesn't understand. No one understand what I feel for this fic, why I'm so obsessed with it. Dana tries to understand, but she falls short. She knows that I love this fic and how I feel but I just don't think she fully grasp the concept. I have to go, my sight is really blurry. Thanks so much. BTW I really love this story, the message the plot...everything.

    ~~Avid DracaMalfoy Fan and Harry/Draco Shipper -Nicole
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  • From NightLo on August 17, 2007
    Well, this rounds up the story nicely. Actually I like the idea of having love ones around, spending time together very very much. And I believe it is there we find our strength and love. SO I really like this nice quiet story...Thanks for it.

    Wait for your other story.
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  • From MisstressNicole on August 17, 2007
    I'm glad you can hear my sobs, because I'm swimming in tears now. That's too sweet. I reread it earlier today and there wasn't an update...well I guess you can say that I actually reread it yesterday. And then I check and there it is. A wonderful update. Sooo sweet. They're my inspiration too. This story is just so, so, touching. It's heart felt. I go on and on and on about this story. My sister thinks it sounds to sappy, but what does she know. I'm in love with pages of words and I don't care that I sound pathetic. I love this. I can't stop reading this. I love how it's written, I love the message behind it. Infatuated. That the word. I'm infatuated with this story, it's concept, it's emotion. You took two songs that meant a lot to me and explained why they were so special. I admire you and I look forward to anything else you write, especially if it's sappy.

    ~~Avid DracaMalfoy Fan -Nicole

    As for the writing prompt, I'm giving a lot of leeway because I think with a simple idea...a summary of sorts you can do a great job with it.

    When a mysterious man, his face hidden by a black veil, begs Draco Malfoy for his help, he cannot refuse his plea. For despite his disguise, Draco finds the man captivating and he is powerless to deny him. But he exacts payment as only a Malfoy would demand; with each piece of information he uncovers, the mysterious man must pay him - with a kiss.

    Harry is in trouble and must save his family from ruin. In a desperate moment of need he asks the only person he knows can help him , Draco Malfoy. They've known each other since childhood but they have never passed a civil moment together. As the stakes get higher, so does Draco's desire for payment. And with each overpowering kiss, each fervent, embrace, Harry knows that he will not be able to resist his ultimate seduction...but what will happen when the truth is revealed.

    Took me a while to come up with it, which is why it's so long and detailed. Now do with it what you will. Thanks!
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  • From HarrysDraco on August 16, 2007
    It was delightful to read a simple heartwarming story devoid of angst, violence. It provides a sense of normalcy all of us aspire after the excitement of life. I loved your story, especially the subtle interplays which only lovers see.
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  • From MisstressNicole on August 09, 2007
    I was rereading the story and when I finish chapter eight and go on to nine I see that I got a wonderful update. I'm very happy. I was surprised and even forgot I left my friend down stairs while I read it. Sadly she left...I feel kinda bad but this story makes up for it. I'll call her when she gets home. Well as far as a writing prompt I'll have to get back to you on that. I can't think of anything right now, the only thing playing in my head is this story. Why can't it be a movie, that be so awesome. Woah, did I just use the word awesome? Thanks for the update and I'm glad my reviews were counted in those that made you day. I'll review tomorrow when I think of something. Goodnight for now.

    ~~Avid Harry/Draco Shipper -Nicole
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  • From NightLo on August 09, 2007
    Well, I definitely love this song more, as this fits the two better, and really, what's more precious to be near and close to the one you love?? In my area it is also raining cats and dogs now, and your story brings rainbow to me. Thanks!!!
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  • From thrnbrooke on August 09, 2007
    I don't want this to end!!! But I sooo need chapter 11! I'll love whatever you write as long as its H/D! Post-Hogwarts, Veela, Male-preg, Werewolf, I don't care! Thank you for the story! I look forward to it!
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  • From NightLo on August 09, 2007
    Such joyful time between the two is really funny, happy and pleasing...really, I love these two much...
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  • From MisstressNicole on August 08, 2007
    I'm so in love with this story it's not even normal. I mean I will reread this story three times in one day. What have you done to me. That chapter was very cute. I enjoyed it. I can't wait for the surprise and I can't believe it's coming to an end. I mean I knew it wouldn't go on forever but it just seems like everything happened so fast, not ...I I'm rambling. But It seems like it was just yesterday that I started reading this story, and now it's almost over. But I think that chapter was really sweet, I'm in love with them, their relationship. They were made for each other. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing.

    ~~Avid Harry/Draco Shipper -Nicole
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  • From kalaway on August 08, 2007
    :D I love love love this story. It's just so pretty!
    Also, after reading this I looked up those lyrics and found Snow Patrol, who I now adore! So I doubly thank you. Keep up the beautiful writing.
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  • From thrnbrooke on August 08, 2007
    Fantastic! Sooo need chapter 10!
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