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Reviews for "Chasing Cars"

By : graballz
  • From sunset20 on April 12, 2007
    Oh, I forgot to say! I loved the idea of having three different endings! It's something I was thinking of doing in a story I'm writing... well I'm not sure yet. :D Anyway, once again: I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVED the story!!! :D
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  • From sunset20 on April 12, 2007
    Okay, here I go again! :D NIce of you to thing of us angsty-whores too haha :D DRACO STRAIGHT?????? *drops dead* NOOOOOOOOO! NEVER! Okay, I give you a long review, does that make up for all those readers who don't review? PLEASE SAY YES!!!!!! okay, calm down, calm down...

    *Hugs DRaco for hours* okay, damn you for the feeling I have in my chest at the 'This is what I live for' lines (both), it's too early in the story for feeling something like that!!! wait, I think I need tissues! Or maybe not yet... Draco almost smiling *giggles* BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Draco is better off without you, anyway!
    Shit, I hate it when Ron and Mione are so bloody stupid! Yes, I know I called Hermione Granger stupid, so what, sue me! :D

    "I'm not asking for forever... just right now" you like playing with my heart, don't you?

    SAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY IT YOU BLOODY IDIOT! NOnono sorry, I didn't mean it!!! Please don't be angry!
    "HE screams it silently with every look, every touch, everything he does for me..." Oh, DRaco...
    Vulnerable Draco... yes Harry, don't you EVER let him go!!!!

    Me too. I'm crying too! Draco I love you!!! Shit no, don't go, don't... there is always another way!! Don't you dare listen you that bastard father of yours!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *shakes her head in disbelief* why is Draco always so hard on himself? Yeah, I should know, since I do this to him all the time, but still...

    BASTARD! BASTARD! BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wait until I write you in one of my stories, just wait!!!

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE Don'T die!! I hate it when they say "one last time"!!! That's always a bad sign!

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES he said it *dancing happily* haha :D

    Alternate ending1 - THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! Lucius you FUCKING BASTARD!! That's nothing new, I know... How could he make his son unhappy!!!!!!!!! Bloody idiot!!!!!! HAHA NOW YOU'RE DEAD!!! You got what you deserved!!
    Oh, shit, Draco, baby, come on, you need to... who am I kidding, you can't just get on with your life... Shit, I'm crying... This was so beautiful! I LOVED IT!!!!! Thank you so much, again!

    Alternate ending2 (*some minutes later* haha I needed to pull myself together a bit to be able to bear the loss of my DRaco*gulps*) I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LEFT HIM ALONE!!!!! YOU FUCKING GRYFFINDOR WITH YOUR FUCKING SAVIOUR INSTINCT!!!! Sorry, I know, I'm unfair, but I'm mourning DRaco so please understand.

    Alternate ending3 - I NEVER thought I would say this, but I really need that happy ending now!!! I guess it's your influence again! :D Awwwwwwww that was sweet!! DRaco giving Lucius the finger! Oh my, that was hilarious!!!! haha

    I really LOVED this story, and yes, you were right the second chapter is my favourite, so thank you once more for that!!!! So is this a long enough review to save Draco from the horrors of having to be with girls? *giggles*
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  • From EmeraldGrey on April 12, 2007
    Okay, I cried from the first two, and this one was best. ;)
    I really love your writing style.
    I guess I needed a good cry too.
    Still soggy, but now smilin' through tears,
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  • From EmeraldGrey on April 12, 2007
    Oh, and before I forget, I just don't get
    peeps who don't love song-fic. They go to movies don't they?!
    What is in EVERY fuckin' movie huh?
    A BLOODY SONG! Or score.
    See, you write in movie style, so, yeah, I enjoy a song fic story!
    And, they are fun to read and write!
    You can incorporate them in many ways too.
    Okay, just had to get that off of my chest before I dove in and actually read this
    what you've obviously um finished writing.
    I was over at vftw, and reading the mail bag and all of those idiots that hate my Sanjaya!
    *sob* it breaks my heart man!
    he's the same age as our beloved Daniel, and he's just this kid, just trying ta make a buck, ya know?!
    Aww, people are mean and cruel dude, seriously...
    Okay, off to read, and cry...
    a soggy EG :(

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  • From EmeraldGrey on April 12, 2007
    I am painfully awaiting the more* to this, and then I'll decide.
    I LOVE SP! So extra points to YOU for choosing this group. ;)
    In my story Bella, I am using SP for my future war scene, I can't wait!
    I just love the song Run...And it will fit it just perfect!
    The video to that song is smashing, and the lead singer is HOTT!
    I was happy to see that you had posted, even if it was about something new.
    Between reading about MY Sanjaya on vftw, and AI, and writing some on my own stuff and waiting
    patiently for You Tube's Chapter 8 of Chad Vader, and watching some yaoi on You Tube while
    attempting to work, lol, life's good.
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  • From YamiBakura on April 12, 2007
    I haven't read it (I'm not much for song-fics, in any form) but I thought it was wicked funny that you are posting a story with alternate endings on the night I randomly decide to write a 'Choose your own adventure' type fic XD

    I'll read it once the other endings are up, and review again ^_^
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