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Reviews for Building With Worn-Out Tools

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - Chara on June 15, 2007
    Its been a long time since I've read a fic this freaking awesome! I had to read this in one sitting, and let me tell you, it was worth it! I'm not sure when your next update on this story is, but I am definitely waiting eagerly for it! wonderful job, can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Chatonne on June 15, 2007
    This has to be, without a doubt, one of the best HP post-war fictions on the net, and believe me, I have scoured countless sites for writers like you. You somehow bring the characters to life, and flesh them out in a way that is so wholly believable. I have fallen in love with your Draco, a Draco that is not simpering, overtly arrogant and unreasonably malicious. Yes, your Draco has all three characteristics, but you blend them in such a way that each play on the other traits, and seduces the readers with the melange.
    And Harry.... You have managed to make me like him! Yes, I know you must be cocking your head right now. Who reads Harry Potter fanfiction if they dislike HArry Potter? Simple enough: I read it because of authors like you. Some where in the muddy pool of helpless, victimized heros and arrogant, clueless idiots, I find a gem. Oh, I like those personalities in many of the HArrys I like, but many authors do not know when to stop.
    With this story, I have no idea what will happen, something that is so fascinating and irritating. Fascinating because this is one of the few fics that avoids cliches, and when there are any, you manipulate them so you undermine the whole ideas of cliches, or/and use it to strengthen your story. Irritating because I have no way to brace myself for what will happen. I was on the edge of my seat during Rebuttal. The dialogue was deliciously witty.
    Herm and Ron, I actually have no idea what will happen. I do hope they remain HArry's friends... he has lost so much already.

    And I am rambling...

    Please excuse the long-winded spiel.
    Anyways, whatever you're doing, don't stop! It's incredibly addicting, your story.
    One thing I would enjoy seeing would be to see Draco unravel a bit, let his defenses down, in front of HArry. Perhaps a bit of jealousy too, on HArry's part. It seems that Draco is doing all the chasing (which he is), but I would love to see HArry react with possessiveness, but when Draco isn't deliberately setting the situation up. It'd be so sweet to see Draco cut off guard by someone that tries to court him.

    Argh! Enough with my rambling! I've written a mini story up there!
    Please email me when you update.

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  • From DestinyDragon on June 14, 2007
    I love this story!!! Please update again soon.
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  • From ANON - JJ on June 14, 2007
    Harry Potter you absolute moron! ok now that that's out of my system...

    Wonderful story, I just spent all day pretending to work and reading it. I love the characterization and the steady (sometimes maddeningly frustrating lol) plot development. Keep up the good work!
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  • From Jan on June 14, 2007
    Someone needs to really open Harry's eyes for him. And I am sure that, that person will be non other than Mr. Draco Malfoy. Please update soon.
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  • From redheadfaerie on June 14, 2007
    poor poor sad deluded harry
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  • From Mistaken on June 14, 2007
    poor Harry! hes so oblivious sometimes! that was kind of really angsty when he thought that Draco couldn't like him like that! update soon! loved the new chapter!
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  • From Darkless on June 14, 2007
    Woohooo! Go Draco! He's so...charmingly aggressive.
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  • From BloodyRoseBlack on June 14, 2007
    That kiss was... soooo hot!
    And why Harry can't accept that Draco loves him? Oh, I hope he will soon!!
    Could you let me know when you post next chapter? Can't wait to read it!!
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  • From Extraho on June 14, 2007
    when is harry going to get over it and realise that they are good together?
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  • From ANON - Dark Moon on June 14, 2007
    Harry is a moron...

    What else can be said? He's got a hot willing wizard basically throwing himself on him and Harry thinks its his fault said hot wizard is willing o throw himself on the nearest surface and let Harry have his way with him... *offers Draco a Harry bashing mallet* He can beat some sense into the stupid Gryfindor... Harry needs to get his head out of his ass and let Draco do his work, both in and out of the courtroom...

    Ginny and Blaise should have had Ginny divorce Harry first gotten a ton of money from that and then lived good but she was stupid and had to tell him 'I don
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  • From KCRae on June 14, 2007
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  • From ANON - Obsidian Phoenix on June 14, 2007
    OMG but that boy is thick! Please tell me that he gets it soon...still love it even though I'm with Draco, Harry is irritating...update soon.
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  • From misslala on June 13, 2007
    Wow, I liked the change of tone in this chapter. It became more desperate yet this is just how it is. I absolutely adore this story! :)
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  • From Angelsfear on June 13, 2007
    OMG CAN I SMACK HARRY? CAN I? HAHAHA I love it so much and it's so frustrating hahaha Draco's reactions are fantastic and I adore how Harry is delusional about the whole thing no matter what Draco does! I also laughed like a loon at Harry's plan for the rest of his life, lol. I love how random it is as everyone wants Harry to be an Auror or a Quidditch player or whatever and he's decided to translate legal documents hahahah! This fanfic is fantastic, I honestly cannot get enough of it! Ahh please update soon!
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