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Reviews for Sanguini's Muse

By : Alison
  • From LiveLaughLoveMe on August 20, 2007
    Ohh I like it, I like it a lot. I read you are going to eventually update it and I am thrilled since right now it sounds good but there is no interaction. I look forward to more.
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  • From Alison on August 02, 2007
    To all those readers who've been good enough to comment on this story - I will definitely be continuing it, especially since DH has given me such good ideas! I am time-poor, being in full time employment, plus having a family. But whenever I get any spare time, I promise to add to the story. I have the basic plot completed in my head, so it's only a matter now of finding time. I am touched that so many readers have asked me to continue the story, both on this site and others, so although it may take me a while, it will be done!
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  • From ANON - poisonivy on August 02, 2007
    Wow! Perfect! More please! You could take this sooo much further amd after you've read the last book you'll see I'm sure how pieces will fall into place prefectly for your original plot!
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  • From ANON - SyberSnake on June 03, 2007
    I love this chapter, I am hoping you will cpountibu this story. It had a such a potental.
    I woul love too see how the vampire will get our believed Severus.
    Please coubtie it
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  • From Heksy on April 22, 2007
    Hi Alison, I came across your fic and I want to ask you to make it a story.
    It is very good indeed and it would be a waste to leave it at that.
    I would love to know what happens next.
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