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Reviews for A Change of Venue

By : Ms_Figg
  • From Ladyaph on April 29, 2007
    I truly hesitate to enroach on the abilities of what I consider to be a true talent but I enjoyed your work so much that this is the first time I have reviewed you. Your severus being so different from mine means thankfully I can not compare them as I would surely be the loser.

    Now comes the big favour if I raise a thousand Galleons can I hire your Severus for a day and night. If not I will just have to live with the thought through your work

    I also love your web page The Burning pen sadly it has not been a good time with money so I will not be able to read your original works until June

    If possible could you extend this one chapter I would love to se if our Hermione will raise the fee and what if they became a couple how would Your Severus cope if she too joined the Business

    Take Care for Now will keep reading your work ans it goes without saying 5 stars
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