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Reviews for With Lillies Bedight

By : IsabelleMalfoyPotterSnape
  • From RedRaven on October 22, 2011
    What happen did u give up on this story??
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  • From Salios on October 10, 2008
    hey, i like the idea, you just need to break up the speech a little more, and slow down. :) other than that, good job!
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  • From Jessy8 on February 06, 2008
    This is good, but if this is Harry's 7th year he's alreay 17, he turned 11 before his fist year 12 before his second year... ect ect perhaps you should make the age 18 instead?
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  • From Ageolite on August 19, 2007
    I have to say I would like to know the end of this story... Are you going to finish it some time?
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  • From WarpedMinded on July 05, 2007
    Ohhh. Please please please, more! I loved it so much. I would like to see what happens..
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  • From bubbysbub on May 06, 2007
    ugh, update woman, this is another great story!!! i love your snarry creature fics, they're great!!! but i need more. hurry hurry hurry!!!
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  • From munchkin on May 04, 2007
    please post more soon! can't wait to read the next chapter.
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  • From Jicky on May 03, 2007
    lookin forward to the next installment!
    can't wait to see how Harry will react once he finds out the truth!
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  • From kalonte on May 02, 2007
    I really like all your stories. I was wondering if you planned on taking this particular story anywhere else. I would love to read more. Could u please email me and let me know or answer this review.

    Thank you,
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  • From Selera on May 01, 2007
    I want the next chapter please.
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