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Reviews for The Labyrinth

By : graballz
  • From ANGELWINGZ1983 on January 25, 2009
    OMG!!! I just simply loved this fic. Harry/Draco usually isn't my thing, but it works. I adore the film Labyrinth and agree with you about David Bowie and the costume, hmmmmmmmmmmm, oh sorry, lost in thoughts. I keep wondering if I hould write my own HP/Labyrintth fic, but after reading yours I feel I might not be able to do jusdice to my ideas. Paticantly waiting for your next post.
    Marion, a.k.a. ANGELWINGZ1983
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  • From wendibird on July 07, 2008
    Love it so far! I went back and watched the movie again once I finished what you have so far, WOW! I could totaly see it the way you wrote it. (Plus now my four year old is a fan of the movie). I'm glad you took it back up and I can't wait for more.

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  • From SParker on November 04, 2007
    It's been a WHILE since I've reviewed anybody's story, but I had to do this one, because it involves my favorite cult movie, The Labyrinth.

    Well I definitely appreciated the time you put in this story to match the movie and then turned it around to be an actual story.

    Now, let me say this but did you EVER get the feeling that the world of Harry Potter is somewhat paralled with the The Labyrinth? I've ALWAYS thought there were too many coincedences, especially with owls, goblins, The Wise Man, Jareth being parallel to Severus {the billowing capes and crooked-toothed smile/glare}, the Escher Room being parallel to the moving staircases in Hogwarts, HELL...even Hoggle was called Hogwart and let's not forget the Maze. Wasn't their a maze in the Tri-Wizard Tournament?

    Makes me wonder if JK Rowling was a freakin' fan of David Bowie, considering they both hailed from England.

    Anyway, had to vent that one out. Hope to see the end of this soon.
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  • From vampirekisses on September 24, 2007
    I ABSOLUTELY adore this fic! Labyrinth is my favorite movie, and I am a Harry/Draco slash addict. Gah, what could be better than those two shagging? SO hot!!! Fantastic job!
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  • From misslala on June 13, 2007
    *pouts* You gotta finish this and WoaT :) *roots for ya and hopes all is well*
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  • From sunset20 on June 06, 2007
    HI there!!! First of all, sorry, I haven't been a lot around lately, I had some really nasty exams (and it's not over yet). So I only had time for some really short stories and little nothings whenever I couldn't keep my eyes in the book because the room started spinning and steam was comming out of my ear (like when Harry tried one of those funny sweets in the 3rd movie - I know you haven't seen it, but if you see a video where Harry has steam comming out of his ears and basically looks like an idiot, then you'll know what I must have looked like in the last week :D). Anyway, I didn't want your story to be only something to release preassure, so I stopped reading and have only caught up with it today. Anyway, I really loved it! But I must admit I'm happy their out of that Hell, firstly because I was really scared for Draco and secondly because I was scared for my own sanity. :D It was really a weird place, I'm not sure I could cope with the movie, although who knows, I will definitely watch it once I have more time. :) But I think Ron and Hermione were cute in the Labyrinth - I liked them more in there, basically because Ron wasn't talking so much nonsense... actually, could you just tell him to SHUT THE FUCK UP and not to talk like a complete IDIOT about things he knows NOTHING about? I like him, I really do, but only until the point he starts insulting my baby, which is all the time, so please do some... wait... I didn't just say *shudders* "baby", did I?... oh, God, I did... *sighs* I REALLY need to get some sleep!!! BTW, vulnerable, clingy DRaco... you really know how to get to me... it's weird but I realized that I've come to like Draco as a bottom - because in most of the stories that involves being the emotional and angsty one, and I've realized that Draco being all sappy and vulnerable and (basically) a mess, really makes me want to hug him (ok, I confess I want to do that all the time but especially when he's so vulnerable :D), but when Harry does all these, it just makes me want to slap him and tell him to pull himself together for FUCK'S SAKE!! (sorry, the old hatred, it tends to come back sometimes, but I'm really trying - for Draco's sake *shrugs*) Anyway, sorry to rant on about unimportant things on your review page, but I'm not sure I can find the time for a proper e-mail, but do go on hoping... :D
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  • From hilfreak on June 05, 2007
    Yay! H/D goodness! Finally, lol!

    I'm not sure if I have the imagination to write a H/D version of Sixteen Candles. The first story I've written in 6 years only revieved a lot of hits but only one review. That dosen't exactly give me enough courage to try to write again anytime soon. But maybe I can get the creative juices flowing one of these days I just might try.

    Another awesome Chapter, keep them comin!
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 05, 2007
    Wonderful! I soooo need chapter 23!
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  • From misslala on June 05, 2007
    Nice. Sex is cathartic. :) I like it and I hate that it's coming to an end. *waits for more patiently*
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 04, 2007
    Fantastic! Though you had me scared there when Draco went cold! I soooo need chapter 22!
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  • From hilfreak on June 04, 2007
    Ron can be a git, but I see where he is coming from. Harry and Draco are just too cute. Can you imagine them in Sixteen Candles? lol!
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  • From misslala on June 04, 2007
    Ok so maybe I got confused about who you were fighting with killing off, LOL Sorry. And I loved this chapter! ;) It was so eloquent and fun. Draco truly was being the bigger man, trying to let Harry know he meant what he said and that is always wonderful :)

    I am excited, because I can't wait to see what happens after dinner :P Lots of fun smut I am sure.
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  • From hilfreak on June 03, 2007 have to love it when these two are so caught up in kissing each other they don't realize what's happening around them. They are so cute! I'm still waiting for more action between the two though, lol! Update ASAP! (and if I get bored again at work tonight I'll try to think of some more cheesy 80's movies that these two would be perfect in, lol)
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 03, 2007
    Fantastic! I soooo can't wait for chapter 21!
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  • From misslala on June 03, 2007
    rawr!! ;) That was fun, and I am glad old moldy voldy is dead. pooie on him, LOL

    Ok, I am nuts, give me a break, LOL I can't help it. hahaha I can't wait for the next chappie, I am ready to see what fun you ahve in store for us, and BTW, just let Pansy kill snape, LOL
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