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Reviews for Shifty Changes(H/S/D)

By : LiveLaughLoveMe
  • From ANON - Jennie on December 01, 2008
    I'm intriged by the H/S/D option. I hope you plan to continue this story.
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  • From ANON - S.L. on September 16, 2008
    Awesome story! Will you update soon? If you do can you tell me at Thanks!
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  • From dragongirl40 on April 01, 2008
    wow. so cool. i like this. i really like the threesome. update soon please.
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  • From GML on December 31, 2007
    Squee! lol! Ok, ok, I just had to read this one too. *grin* What can I say? I rather like threesome fics. *shrugs* More Please! ASAP!
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  • From sephrothlay on December 29, 2007
    Hi there nice to see you again (or read if you want to be tech)

    I am glad to have finally the time to have a look over your stories after all your loverly reviews that you have given me.

    I love this story that you have written so far. infact i think i cme across it once before but forgot to review for it. 'shrugs' well now i'm here i may as well get on with this.

    I love the way you have written your story out, it is just right and for someone like me i read a lot. it am exspecially enjoying how you have changed Harry's home from living with the Dursley's to living with an acual family, i really do not like the Dursley's and they will have their comeback for the horriable things they did to Harry (i will be going into Harry's past for my own fanfiction quite soon once i have gotten the Yu Yu gang together.)

    I love the humor in the story really makes me smile, its one thing that has put this story at the top of my list to read when you get the next chapter out sooner or later (lol i'm just as bad, one of my fics has not been updated in a year... -_-' oh well) well now i am going to end this long review and do the other half of Genkai's tournament, 'sigh' 5 pages doen so far how many to go i do not know.

    Oh about that link? i pasted the address into chapter six instead of a link (didn't work could not figure it out after i had a look)so go take a look if you want its a little something i did as a past time (though my mother thinks it looks evil.

    Well hope to hear in a review from you whe nthe next chapter is done (the one i am dreading to put up)

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  • From GoddesswTemper16 on November 27, 2007
    Could you e-mail me when you up-date please? My e-mail is

    It's such an interesting story and I love the pairings!
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  • From bumblebee on September 18, 2007
    when's the next update??
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 28, 2007
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  • From kin2cats63 on May 26, 2007
    Great story, all versions;) Can't wait for the next chapter.
    Do you still need a beta?
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  • From In2Deep on May 24, 2007
    this is a awful place to stop! does harry/loki know that he is potter? that should be intresting! hope to see an up-date soon!
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  • From jatoriew on May 20, 2007
    This is a really interesting story. I'm glad remus is in this story, will sirius be in it too? Since both draco and sev are in this fic I think both of them should be dominant, harry needs all the protection he can get ^____^. Please update soon!
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  • From anniea on May 19, 2007
    wow please u pdate soon, if you can will you inform me of when you've updated? my email i s
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  • From sanda on May 19, 2007
    I like it
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  • From ANON - Snakelette on May 19, 2007
    A very good idea: three different stories. It will be fun to see the different ways the stories develop. And triad stories are always hot to read! So: more please!
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  • From Primal on May 18, 2007
    Its very well written and I think this is the first shape shifting fic I have read with Harry, I would go for a Severus/Harry pairing I have never really seen Harry as a Dom more a Sum but that
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