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Reviews for Harry Potter and The Beloved Incubus (BP4)

By : slashpervert
  • From on June 01, 2007
    God what a horrible way to have a baby xD And a place and such. But, you'd expect nothing less heroic from these two. Well done Slash pervert.~ PLEASE! I need more chapters today ;-;
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  • From graballz on June 01, 2007
    Chapter 27--WHOA! What a shift! They were in bed, picking out names, and somehow...without them knowing...someone sneaked in and kidnapped the BOTH of them?????? I know you'll tell us how, but HOW??? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE????

    Jesus! If Harry and Draco can be kidnapped without any warning, then there's NO hope for the rest of us! Oh fuck!

    Snape? It wasn't Snape, was it? My money is on Snape, McGonagall, or Pomfrey, but just a big OH FUCK! (and I have to leave right now, but I will be back to finish later on!)

    This is great!
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  • From MrsKayleighMalfoy on June 01, 2007
    Oh My God! Please give me the next chapter!!!! I think im going to die from excitment!
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 01, 2007
    Soooo need chapter 29! Is Draco safe? Will Harry and Valen have to leave him behind?
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 01, 2007
    Soooo need chapter 28! Harry can't have the baby there! Is Narcissa tied up? As in ropes and things? Or tooo busy to come talk to them?
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  • From NightLo on June 01, 2007
    Wow...that is a great change...and why does Macnair (?) said he owed Harry something? And what has happened to Narcissa? She loves his son and his unborn grandchild....what has she gone through, has she been imperied?
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  • From NightLo on June 01, 2007
    Well...that's really much to catch up...luckily, my freelance has ended, now I can have all my free time from work for reading!

    What worried me most is the state of health that Harry is experiencing! Major internal organs! What a price...actually secretly I just hope they can have another child to make a more happy family (even the story does not end with such faraway future), but in such a case, esp. if the child birth is dangerous and horrible (it is already horrible with woman..just cannot imagine what will Harry go through)...there will only be one Malfoy...BTW, is it possible to learn about the special DNA that would be Valen? Being a muggle, I am really very very interested in that!

    Well, for Snape, that would be a good start for either of them, esp. if he can help with the pregnancy. After all, Harry is the reason why Lily has died, though Snape hates him for this, and the helplessness of that Harry is the husband of his godson, 'pregger' of his ex-beloved - with such 'addition' to Harry's title, could there be a new start for both of them? Though that would not happen soon, but I just hope...

    Lastly, as long as I remember, apart from chp.6, there is nothing mentioned about incubus/nightmare of Draco again, has he experienced nightmare after that? Though I know they have lots on their plate, with a pre-mature fast growing child and Harry's health and horcrux...though he knows nothing important about it...still I would love to learn more about the update on that!
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  • From cynaga on May 31, 2007
    You're incredible. I love your series. Some of the BEST yaoi ever. THANKS!
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  • From graballz on May 31, 2007
    Chapter 26--Poor, pregnant Harry! I've never been pregnant, but this is sounding like something to avoid at all costs! LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH McGonagall didn't believe him! That's awesome!

    *GASP* OH MY GOD, THEY CAN SEE THE BABY????? Why didn't I think of that? Ultrasounds and all, but MERLIN! That is TOO COOL! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, that was AWESOME!

    Grrrrr, damn you again, Snape, for scaring Harry! Pomfrey will know what to do! She can help! It'll be okay, Harry!

    Ohhh, fuck yes! Make good on your promise, Draco! Here we go again with the hot sexiness!!!! I FUCKING love it! YES YES YES We like it when Harry gets what he wants! *squeal* Draco talked to the baby! GAH I can't stand it! that was tOO adorable!

    Valentine??? REALLY????? VALENTINE?????? What? Seriously? *stupefied* Okay, I can deal with Valen. (Makes me think of Van Halen, but that's beside the point) Valentine, though? Leander? "Lion"? $10 says this kid gets sorted into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. (LMAO A Hufflepuff Malfoy...won't Draco just DIE?)

    Valentine Leander Malfoy. REALLY????? Valen Malfoy. I don't know....I have my doubts, but I trust you writers. You did the MPreg with the utmost of...everything, so I trust you through my doubts.

    Oh GOD! If Draco's going to be calling him BY NAME, that kid is IN FOR IT! I mean, forget Hogwarts! Fred and George will never let him hear the end of it for the first eleven years of his life! After that, anything anyone at Hogwarts dishes out will be a piece of cake! Also....this means Ron and Hermione should get pregnant so that Valen will have a best friend his age! Or Tonksy and Remus....or Bill and Fleur...or someone! Poor kiddo! He is going to be SO spoiled rotten! Worse than Draco, even!
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  • From graballz on May 31, 2007
    Chapter 25--Awwww, they have to tell Ron and Hermione! That's hard. Oh shit, they're gonna tell everyone about Harry being pregnant? Oh boy! Fred and George....oh man!

    And I have *NO* idea why "Waiting for Tonight" just popped into my head! *smirk* hahahahaha *sigh* Dork alert!

    AHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHA Fred and George can't say anything!!!! FUCKING GREAT! Ah, there we go! haha

    Ohhhhh no Draco! Oh, poor Remus!

    Oh shit...Snape! Good boy, Draco! Way to be the "mediator"! God, Snape, you arse! Yes, please scare Harry to death with your cloak and dagger male pregnancy stories. You bastard! (I can't *really* be angry with him right now, though...I'm just exasperated at him for scaring Harry and shaking my fist at the greasy git)

    Helpful bastard...that's what I was saying! Go get Madam Pomfrey! lmao
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  • From graballz on May 31, 2007
    Chapter 24--Awwww, Harry is pregnant and naked except for his socks! How cute!

    Awwwww, Draco, you're such a good husband! That is SO perfect! Harry's crying...poor thing! He needs his catharsis, though, and I love that Draco understands that. *sigh* I want one of my own! (Draco, that is...well, hell, Harry too!)

    And the things Draco said! *swoon* I don't consider myself a romantic or anything, but I AM a sap, and that just knocked me off my feet! GODS I don't know how Harry didn't turn into a gibbering mess after that, because I know I sure did!

    And then we have the segueway from angst and pain to HOT GAY TEEN SEX!!!! (Well, and in this case, hot gay teen pregnant sex...) You have a gift. All of you. It just seems so natural, and I LOVE IT!

    godDAMN! Draco learned a thing or two from his dirty-mouthed husband, because THAT is fucking hot! FUCKING hot! *whimper* Draco commanded Harry to pull his hair...I think I'm gonna die! This is bloody fantastic!!!!!!!!

    oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh FUCK that was SUPER HOT!!!! GOD that was a good one! And the baby kicked! SOOOOO CUTE!
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  • From thrnbrooke on May 31, 2007
    Awww!!! I sooo need chapter 27! Wonderful name!
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  • From thrnbrooke on May 31, 2007
    I soooo need chapter 26! Will the papers help? Must have more!
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  • From Angelsfear on May 30, 2007
    Gah ok sooooooooo Im slowly catching up but GAH so much craziness! the fighting and preggersness and yelling with Snape and the stuff about the night Lily and James died and going back in Time GAH! Crazy!! X_X I want so much to read more but Im so dead and i can't...ahhh till tomorrow then!
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  • From thrnbrooke on May 30, 2007
    They are soooo perfect together! I love this! Soooo need chapter 25!
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