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Reviews for Always

By : RediF
  • From roxierose13 on August 06, 2007
    I really like it, though I definitely wish there was more. Blaise is one of my fave characters and you've captured him well :) I suppose it helps since Draco is my favorite chacter also. I'll even forgive you for calling Harry slow-witted (even though we all know he is) since my OTP is Harry/Draco, lol. GOod job.
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  • From bubbysbub on May 31, 2007
    well that was sweet. i really really liked it. got anymore? great job lovey.
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  • From ANON - mayu on May 30, 2007

    there was a big mistake

    “It was Potter I was thinking about just now.”

    it wasnt Potter

    really good and cute
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