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Reviews for Twisted Desire

By : nymphbot
  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on February 02, 2009
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From Phoenix2000 on August 05, 2008
    Love this story. But I'd be OK ewith it ending here except I would LOVE to see Hermione exact some MAJOR revenge on Harry before Draco does the killing curse.
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  • From hellojenny on July 11, 2008
    Thank you for not making it not tooo dark. I liked it, but I thought the whole Draco fantisizing about Harry thing was a little ooc, in accordance with your story, not jkr' think? Maybe it's just me-but thinking Hermione's unattractive...really??? Is that whole thing going somewhere?. I'm willing to roll with the story either way, I am really into what happens. Thanks for not letting it go.
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  • From bananasforyou on July 10, 2008
    oh i missed this story, please continue!
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  • From mlui on July 09, 2008
    I'm very glad that you've finally updated! Hmm, I'm curious as to how they both survived? Was it a type of poisonous potion that is similar to the one Juliet used in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? Harry is a nasty piece of work and I hope he gets what he deserves and I'm glad Draco hasn't turned psycho since his return from the dead...please update again soon! (Hopefully, you won't take so long as last time...)
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  • From ANON - Jen on July 08, 2008
    YAY!!!!! Finally!!! I'd forgotten about this series. I loved Twisted Lust and I love this sequel. PLease don't wait a whole year again!!! It was a wonderful chapter.
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  • From hellojenny on July 08, 2008
    Eeeee...thanks for the sequel! I have to admit I couldn't even read the dark(est) stuff from Lust but the story was so strong I couldn't put it down (figuratively). I just had such a strong feeling it wasn't Draco(even when she found the stuff in the house-I couldn't believe he did it to her, you know?), just because I didn't want it to be...LOL. But HARRY...omg. I can't wait for her to get her revenge....but it will probably be too much to read too-I have to say it took alot for me to read something sooo dark, fluffiness and angst are my thing, so it speaks volumes that this story hooked me like this. It's like a poem, the way you write, really unique-it's awesome, can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - the norwegian girl on June 08, 2008
    aah! I never never knew there was a sequel, its brilliant! Update as fast as humanly possible, please :P
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  • From mlui on May 24, 2008
    I really hoope Draco isn't actually really dead. I don't understand why she killed him. That doesn't help the solution with Draco being dead, so hopefully he isn't...I'm very disappointed that it was Harry...please update again soon! =)
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  • From ANON - blondpierogi on May 22, 2008
    I am loving this part soo far... Great job, cannot wait to read more!!!
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  • From jaimelee on March 30, 2008
    Interesting start again.... please update soon. I wouldn't mind see HP die by the end of this story.
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  • From brokenvixen on December 14, 2007
    next chapter please! i love your story!!!
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  • From brokenvixen on August 09, 2007
    please oh please update!

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  • From ANON - broken vixen on June 30, 2007
    Lux, love, please do update soon. your work is very addicting. i need it soon! btw, love the story.. so WRITE WRITE WRITE!!!
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  • From ANON - vampire sawyer on June 29, 2007
    WOW. I really, really, really, really, really did not see that coming. That makes me want MORE. Please, oh god please send me an update!
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